• 1 Whole Chicken
• 2 tbsp Soy Sauce
• 1 tbsp Fresh Grated Ginger
• 2 Cloves
• ¼ cup Maple Syrup
• 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
• 2 Sprigs Fresh Thyme, Chopped
• 2 Scallions, Finely Minced
• 1 tbsp Vegetable Oil, Salt, Freshly Cracked Pepper
Cooking Instructions:
• Cut chicken & season with salt and fresh cracked black pepper to taste
• In a medium bowl combine ingredients & stir well
• Add the chicken to the bowl and toss well, covering in the mixture
• Chicken can be cooked on the grill at medium high temperature until crisp and evenly browned on all sides (3-4 minutes per side) or seared in hot skillet with 1 tbsp vegetable oil for 1-2 minutes per side then transferred to a 375 degree oven for about 8-10 minutes.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saint Theresa's Prayer

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be confident knowing you are a child of God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.
Saint Theresa is known as the Saint of the Little Ways, meaning she believed in doing the little things in life well and with great love. She is represented by roses. May everyone who receives this message be blessed.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wanna Be a Model?
Are you a person of color and watched America’s Next Top Model and said, “I have the height and figure, I can do that.” Well I’m here to help you! Below are organizations looking for models. Please use Margaret Haule, as your referral
Modern Bride Magazine "Annual Modern Bride of the Year Contest". Apply at
Ford Models
Hawaiian Tropics
Hollywood Poker is looking for modeling reps.
Fight Girls Clothing line Request an application & handbook.
Modified magazine Apply at
Wilhemina Modeling Agency Mother//Daughter Cover Model Search. Apply at
Datwon Thomas Editor in Chief of XXL & KING Magazines which features "Eye Candy" can be reached at
Marcus Blassingame is the Editor in Chief of Black Men magazine and SSX magazine. He can be reached at and
Sandy Vasceannie, the Publisher of Smooth Magazine and Jewel Magazine. Her fax is 212 334-4902 & email
Hip Hop Weekly email address for submissions is
Sean Cummings founder and editor of "Show Magazine". His email address for submissions is
Ebony/Jet magazine "Jet Beauties of the Week". Submit two current photographs of yourself, preferably in a two-piece bathing suit, taken against a plain background with few distractions. Indicate the name and address on the back. Forward to the attention of: JET Beauty of the Week, 820 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60605
Taneish Leslie, Publisher, of Jadore Magazine. Submit your photos to
Will Walters, Publisher, Monarch magazine
Woodley Germain Editor, Rap Fanatic Magazine. Submit photos to with the subject line "Model Submissions".
Jason Griffin, Fashion Editor, Rime Magazine. You can submit photos to him at or with subject line "Model Submissions".
Laurence Christian, Editor, Liquid Magazine. Submit photos to him at
Shabazz, Editor in Chief of As Is Magazine. Submit photos to him at
Damola Idowu, Editor, Owners Illustrated magazine. Submit photos
Tiffany Chiles, Editor, Don Diva magazine. Must meet the criteria:
Julie Beverly, Editor, Ozone Magazine. for modeling submissions.
Mykose Hufana, Editor, Fresh Coast magazine. Submit photos to
Ernst Pretto, is the Editor of Urban City magazine. Submit photos at
Modern Bride Magazine "Annual Modern Bride of the Year Contest". Apply at
Ford Models
Hawaiian Tropics
Hollywood Poker is looking for modeling reps.
Fight Girls Clothing line Request an application & handbook.
Modified magazine Apply at
Wilhemina Modeling Agency Mother//Daughter Cover Model Search. Apply at
Datwon Thomas Editor in Chief of XXL & KING Magazines which features "Eye Candy" can be reached at
Marcus Blassingame is the Editor in Chief of Black Men magazine and SSX magazine. He can be reached at and
Sandy Vasceannie, the Publisher of Smooth Magazine and Jewel Magazine. Her fax is 212 334-4902 & email
Hip Hop Weekly email address for submissions is
Sean Cummings founder and editor of "Show Magazine". His email address for submissions is
Ebony/Jet magazine "Jet Beauties of the Week". Submit two current photographs of yourself, preferably in a two-piece bathing suit, taken against a plain background with few distractions. Indicate the name and address on the back. Forward to the attention of: JET Beauty of the Week, 820 S. Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60605
Taneish Leslie, Publisher, of Jadore Magazine. Submit your photos to
Will Walters, Publisher, Monarch magazine
Woodley Germain Editor, Rap Fanatic Magazine. Submit photos to with the subject line "Model Submissions".
Jason Griffin, Fashion Editor, Rime Magazine. You can submit photos to him at or with subject line "Model Submissions".
Laurence Christian, Editor, Liquid Magazine. Submit photos to him at
Shabazz, Editor in Chief of As Is Magazine. Submit photos to him at
Damola Idowu, Editor, Owners Illustrated magazine. Submit photos
Tiffany Chiles, Editor, Don Diva magazine. Must meet the criteria:
Julie Beverly, Editor, Ozone Magazine. for modeling submissions.
Mykose Hufana, Editor, Fresh Coast magazine. Submit photos to
Ernst Pretto, is the Editor of Urban City magazine. Submit photos at
Friday, November 21, 2008
TGIF & Finish Up Mode!
Many of life's failures are people who didn't realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Edison
What ought to be can be when you have the will to make it so. - James W. Rouse
The two sentences above keep me going even when I don't feel like it. This year has gone by so fast and I can't believe it will end soon. As the year draws to a close, I am frantically trying to finish up things I haven't completed before the new year rolls around. Not that I'm having much luck but my consolation is that each day, I do my very best and that is all that can be required of me.
I am very proud of myself because I try and never give up. Even if I fail, I know that I'm better off than not having tried at all.
Have a great weekend!
What ought to be can be when you have the will to make it so. - James W. Rouse
The two sentences above keep me going even when I don't feel like it. This year has gone by so fast and I can't believe it will end soon. As the year draws to a close, I am frantically trying to finish up things I haven't completed before the new year rolls around. Not that I'm having much luck but my consolation is that each day, I do my very best and that is all that can be required of me.
I am very proud of myself because I try and never give up. Even if I fail, I know that I'm better off than not having tried at all.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
First Class Singles IV
Jesus meeting the lady in Samaria at Jacob’s well is an important concept because it showcases how he meets us where we are. He engages a woman according to tradition he should not interact with, in conversation. He then asks her to go and bring her husband and she says she has none. Then he tells her about herself. It is obvious that she is needy because she’s been married 5 times. She probably thought “I can feel good about myself if I change men”, that’s why she was living with the 6th man who she wasn't even married to.
Jesus is saying to you today, you’re looking for love in all the wrong places. Drink of me, you won’t thirst anymore. Isaiah 54:5 says, 'Your maker is your husband' and God is a jealous God who is unwilling to share us with any rival. He wants us for himself. To whom or to what are you married? Does your maker have your undivided love? Or does your church or your fellowship have first place in your heart? Or are you married to your career, or your work, or your ministry?
God is saying, I’ll fill that cup. You won’t need a man, clothes, shoes, alcohol, drugs or pornography, if you drink of me. I will give you complete acceptance. You need to shut down the computer, computer games and TV and anything else that grabs your attention and spend time in my word. Let me fill that void, so you can be a whole person, that’s why I died on the cross. He came so that we may have life. As a first class single, people should be attracted to us because we are vibrant and full of life.
We all have so many issues we looking for people to solve and baggage for people to offload. Everyone who is not a christian is doing that, so as a christian you can't be that way. We must be the opposite, a problem solver and a baggage reliever to non-christians. That's how we will look different to them and they will want what you have, which is God in our lives. Every time we experience rejection in a relationship we run back to God asking him to make us a whole person. We shouldn’t be people running from one relationship to another and not healed or having people use and abuse us just so we are "with someone". We should say “Lord I need to stay at your feet” and stay there till he sends the right one who will appreciate and nurture us.
By Cheryl Martin
Edited by Susan Majek
Jesus is saying to you today, you’re looking for love in all the wrong places. Drink of me, you won’t thirst anymore. Isaiah 54:5 says, 'Your maker is your husband' and God is a jealous God who is unwilling to share us with any rival. He wants us for himself. To whom or to what are you married? Does your maker have your undivided love? Or does your church or your fellowship have first place in your heart? Or are you married to your career, or your work, or your ministry?
God is saying, I’ll fill that cup. You won’t need a man, clothes, shoes, alcohol, drugs or pornography, if you drink of me. I will give you complete acceptance. You need to shut down the computer, computer games and TV and anything else that grabs your attention and spend time in my word. Let me fill that void, so you can be a whole person, that’s why I died on the cross. He came so that we may have life. As a first class single, people should be attracted to us because we are vibrant and full of life.
We all have so many issues we looking for people to solve and baggage for people to offload. Everyone who is not a christian is doing that, so as a christian you can't be that way. We must be the opposite, a problem solver and a baggage reliever to non-christians. That's how we will look different to them and they will want what you have, which is God in our lives. Every time we experience rejection in a relationship we run back to God asking him to make us a whole person. We shouldn’t be people running from one relationship to another and not healed or having people use and abuse us just so we are "with someone". We should say “Lord I need to stay at your feet” and stay there till he sends the right one who will appreciate and nurture us.
By Cheryl Martin
Edited by Susan Majek
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A Pastor With Guts Serves Food For Thought!
When Minister Joe Wright was asked to open the new session of the Kansas Senate, everyone was expecting the usual generalities, but this is what they heard:
"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India , Africa and Korea .
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,'and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired.
With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'one nation under God.'
We should remind ourselves that as Ronald Reagan said 'If we ever forget that we're one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under.'
"Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done.
We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values.
We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
We have killed our unborn and called it choice.
We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable.
We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem.
We have abused power and called it politics.
We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression.
We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.
Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free.
The response was immediate. A number of legislators walked out during the prayer in protest. In 6 short weeks, Central Christian Church, where Rev. Wright is pastor, logged more than 5,000 phone calls with only 47 of those calls responding negatively. The church is now receiving international requests for copies of this prayer from India , Africa and Korea .
Commentator Paul Harvey aired this prayer on his radio program, 'The Rest of the Story,'and received a larger response to this program than any other he has ever aired.
With the Lord's help, may this prayer sweep over our nation and wholeheartedly become our desire so that we again can be called 'one nation under God.'
We should remind ourselves that as Ronald Reagan said 'If we ever forget that we're one nation under GOD, then we will be a nation gone under.'
Sunday, November 16, 2008
2008 Computer Security Institute (CSI) Conference at the Gaylord in DC

On Monday Nov. 17: 11:00 am-5:00 pm and Tuesday,Nov. 18: 11:00 am-6:00 pm, The Computer Security Institute (CSI) Conference wil be held in DC. It is the largest information security conference on the East Coast and is also the only security conference expressly assembling experts to challenge the status quo.
CSI 2008 features a comprehensive program, covering security from both a management and technical perspective because in the real-world, security needs to be part of the business plan. CSI 2008 promises to go beyond the current, accepted thinking, and focus on what's next, on how to change security from being constantly reactive, to actually giving security professionals the upper hand.
CSI 2008 is designed for information security and IT professionals of all levels: executives, directors, managers and staff, and anyone needing to gain an understanding of both the technical aspects of security, and how security fits into the overall business plan.
Visit for more information.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Photo Credit:
Entrepreneurship: From startup dreams to successful ventures, learn to turn your dreams into reality and create opportunities for yourself. Whether your innovation is in the idea stage - or you want help pitching it to investors-or your established business needs more tools and strategies to induce growth, you can pick the pace and choose among various paths - but the destination remains the same -development of yourself and your ideas.
You may need business coaching; best path decisions and help through obstacles and detours but keep moving forward, and you will soon see yourself crossing the line. Be encouraged. Regardless of where you are, you can get there from here! For more information on being an entrepreneur, visit
Friday, November 14, 2008
First Class Singles Part III
Many of us want God’s stuff but not him. We want his gifts but we don’t want him, the giver. He says, I want you to want me for me because all that you need to relieve your baggage, issues and the vacuum and longing all of us were born with can be fulfilled in me. Some of us were verbally and physically abused and we keep rewinding the mental tape. Some of us were told "You’re not as pretty as your sister or you’ll never be anything", so we have low self-esteem. We are broken people and before we get married we should seek wholeness.
Why? Because it takes good eggs to make an omelet. If one egg is rotten, you have a rotten omelet. Don’t look for your other half. You shouldn’t want half a man or woman. When you come to someone with your entire baggage saying “take me” they will run in the opposite direction or use you and cause you more baggage. Men can spot a needy woman a mile off. Being needy you are like a neon light and everyone says here she comes. You unknowingly send signals shouting fill my cup, fill my cup, and tell me how wonderful I am! That’s why some women give up sex in hopes of getting love and the man is saying he loves you, just to get sex. God says no, passionately pursue me; spend time everyday reading my word. That’s my love letter to you. I will affirm you and tell you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I will not use your body and go to the next woman.
God says, “Your issues, insecurities and lack of wholeness, are why I died”. Col 2:10says we are complete in him. This is how we understand our purpose. You will know the reason why he created you. Also, when we read the word of God and we are told things that don’t line up with it, we know immediately and we can reject it. You may have told me I am a mistake, but that’s not what God said. He said before the foundation of the world, I knew you and had your plan. I scheduled everyday of your life. I have seen every tear and rejection. I still have plans for you. Passionately pursue God. Wake up in the morning with God on your mind, not a man, woman or even a career. Have God running through your system. The more passionately we pursue him the more we will know our purpose and be wiser singles dating.
Why? Because it takes good eggs to make an omelet. If one egg is rotten, you have a rotten omelet. Don’t look for your other half. You shouldn’t want half a man or woman. When you come to someone with your entire baggage saying “take me” they will run in the opposite direction or use you and cause you more baggage. Men can spot a needy woman a mile off. Being needy you are like a neon light and everyone says here she comes. You unknowingly send signals shouting fill my cup, fill my cup, and tell me how wonderful I am! That’s why some women give up sex in hopes of getting love and the man is saying he loves you, just to get sex. God says no, passionately pursue me; spend time everyday reading my word. That’s my love letter to you. I will affirm you and tell you are fearfully and wonderfully made. I will not use your body and go to the next woman.
God says, “Your issues, insecurities and lack of wholeness, are why I died”. Col 2:10says we are complete in him. This is how we understand our purpose. You will know the reason why he created you. Also, when we read the word of God and we are told things that don’t line up with it, we know immediately and we can reject it. You may have told me I am a mistake, but that’s not what God said. He said before the foundation of the world, I knew you and had your plan. I scheduled everyday of your life. I have seen every tear and rejection. I still have plans for you. Passionately pursue God. Wake up in the morning with God on your mind, not a man, woman or even a career. Have God running through your system. The more passionately we pursue him the more we will know our purpose and be wiser singles dating.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wedding Blues!!
Thanks giving has come and gone and Christmas will soon be here. From now till valentine's day next year, it will be marriage proposals galore. Closely following that is the frenzy of preparing for the wedding of a lifetime. Often people desire to out do every other wedding they have ever attended but do you know the average price of a Wedding?
Well weddings cost much more than most people think. To have a marvelous, much talked about wedding; you will definitely pay the price. However, when it is time to pay the piper, you might quickly develop a financial wedding hangover which can lead to problems with the new union.
A glamorous wedding is great if you can afford it but it has nothing to do with the quality of the marriage relationship. Consider this, the number one cause of marital failure is finances. Think twice before you splurge on that wedding if you really can't afford it because you will have to pay for it later !
Well weddings cost much more than most people think. To have a marvelous, much talked about wedding; you will definitely pay the price. However, when it is time to pay the piper, you might quickly develop a financial wedding hangover which can lead to problems with the new union.
A glamorous wedding is great if you can afford it but it has nothing to do with the quality of the marriage relationship. Consider this, the number one cause of marital failure is finances. Think twice before you splurge on that wedding if you really can't afford it because you will have to pay for it later !
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dental Hygiene Is A Necessity Not A Luxury!
Below are the steps to keep your teeth healthy:
Brush twice daily for two minutes making sure the brush bristles clean along the gum line.
Brushing before sleeping is the most important time.
Brush the tongue when brushing by placing the toothbrush at the back of the tongue and move forward.
Change your toothbrush every three months.
Floss each time you eat to scrape away bacteria and food particles from the sides of the teeth.
Rinse with Listerine or Crest Pro Health for 30 seconds after brushing.
Brush twice daily for two minutes making sure the brush bristles clean along the gum line.
Brushing before sleeping is the most important time.
Brush the tongue when brushing by placing the toothbrush at the back of the tongue and move forward.
Change your toothbrush every three months.
Floss each time you eat to scrape away bacteria and food particles from the sides of the teeth.
Rinse with Listerine or Crest Pro Health for 30 seconds after brushing.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Essence Young Women's Leadership Conference in DC
On Nov 8th Essence Magazine held a leadership conference which was an empowering day of workshops to give participants a competitive edge as they launch or steer careers at the DC Convention Center. There were great panelists and Essence Editor-in-Chief, Angela Burt-Murray was on hand to encourage, inspire and share as well. Below is a detailed recap of the event.
The first session, You Inc: Market Yourself for Success was with Amy Dubois Barnett, Rhonda McLean, Dee Marshall, Denna Singleton and moderated by Candice Frederick. Panelists reinforced that you are you are your own biggest advocate. They shared with participants that they possess the basic ingredients for success—negotiating skills, education, talent and drive to be an asset to any team. The key is making potential employers know that you are the right person for the job by selling yourself efficiently. Valuable insights were also offered on how to create a practical blueprint for success.
The second session, Set for Life: Your Fast Track to Financial Control was with Jason Calhoun, Harrine Freeman, Ionnie McNeil, Lynn Richardson and moderated by Tanisha Sykes. They shared with participants how to navigate working an entry-level job, paying for college and dealing with day-to-day expenses in a challenged economy, especially when the reality is not the lifestyle a degree was supposed to bring. The panel of financial experts provided practical, savvy strategies on how to take control of your finances and fund your dreams.
Real Life 101: Lessons Learned Outside of the Classroom was with Shante Bacon, Capricon Clark, Shanti Das, Amy DuBois Barnett and moderated by Rhonda McLean. They shared with participants that college only prepares you with basic skills and information to enter the job market, but unique qualities make you stand out at work. In a candid dialogue, the panel shared lessons learned on the job that have taken them from interns and assistants to the corner office which ultimately is to add value to your environment.
Sex, Love & Intimacy: Creating Healthy, Fulfilling Relationships was with Lauren Lake, Dr. Adrea Pennington and moderated by Demetria Lucas. They shared with participants that thought it's hard to know how to navigate love, especially when there are so many influences—peers, media, family—bearing down on you, it can still be done. Important skills were shared with the key being knowledge of what you want, educating yourself on how to stay healthy and happy, and not being afraid to talk about your needs.
Be the Boss: Embrace Your Inner Entrepreneur was with an accomplished panel of entrepreneurs including Shante Bacon, Jasmine Lawrence, Ionne McNeil, Tracy Press, Tina Wells and moderated by Tanisha Sykes. They shared with participants how to turn big ideas into businesses and turn passion into profit.
Having It All: Your Life on Your Terms was with Lauren Lake, Dee Marshall, Lola Ogunnaike, Dr. Andrea Pennington and Candice Frederick. They shared with participants on how though you are out of school and ready to set the world on fire, the path to goals may not be as straightforward as thought, but you can stay track, compromise or confront situations, pursue dreams, overcome challenges and remain true to yourself.
Making Your Voice Heard: You Can Make a Difference with Valeshia Butterfield, Quin Conyers, Rahama Wright and moderated by Jeffrey Johnson. They shared with participants that knowing there is a problem is the first step in creating change or making a difference and how to take action. Knowing what you should be doing, what you are passionate about, and practical tools and strategies for becoming an effective advocate for change were shared.
There were many giveaways from sponsors, the Sallie Mae Fund recognized five outstanding women who were selected from more than 1,000 applicants to each receive a $5,000 Generation Next college scholarship and recording artists, Suai and Brandon Hines performed. Look out for Suai’s album spring 2009.
It was definitely worth the $35 registration fee. Make sure you attend next year! Some pictures from the event are below. Picture 1: Vanessa Simmons Pic 2:Angela Simmons both of Pastry Pic 3:Angela Simmons, Angela Burt-Murray ESSENCE Editor-in-Chief and Vanessa Simmons.

The first session, You Inc: Market Yourself for Success was with Amy Dubois Barnett, Rhonda McLean, Dee Marshall, Denna Singleton and moderated by Candice Frederick. Panelists reinforced that you are you are your own biggest advocate. They shared with participants that they possess the basic ingredients for success—negotiating skills, education, talent and drive to be an asset to any team. The key is making potential employers know that you are the right person for the job by selling yourself efficiently. Valuable insights were also offered on how to create a practical blueprint for success.
The second session, Set for Life: Your Fast Track to Financial Control was with Jason Calhoun, Harrine Freeman, Ionnie McNeil, Lynn Richardson and moderated by Tanisha Sykes. They shared with participants how to navigate working an entry-level job, paying for college and dealing with day-to-day expenses in a challenged economy, especially when the reality is not the lifestyle a degree was supposed to bring. The panel of financial experts provided practical, savvy strategies on how to take control of your finances and fund your dreams.
Real Life 101: Lessons Learned Outside of the Classroom was with Shante Bacon, Capricon Clark, Shanti Das, Amy DuBois Barnett and moderated by Rhonda McLean. They shared with participants that college only prepares you with basic skills and information to enter the job market, but unique qualities make you stand out at work. In a candid dialogue, the panel shared lessons learned on the job that have taken them from interns and assistants to the corner office which ultimately is to add value to your environment.
Sex, Love & Intimacy: Creating Healthy, Fulfilling Relationships was with Lauren Lake, Dr. Adrea Pennington and moderated by Demetria Lucas. They shared with participants that thought it's hard to know how to navigate love, especially when there are so many influences—peers, media, family—bearing down on you, it can still be done. Important skills were shared with the key being knowledge of what you want, educating yourself on how to stay healthy and happy, and not being afraid to talk about your needs.
Be the Boss: Embrace Your Inner Entrepreneur was with an accomplished panel of entrepreneurs including Shante Bacon, Jasmine Lawrence, Ionne McNeil, Tracy Press, Tina Wells and moderated by Tanisha Sykes. They shared with participants how to turn big ideas into businesses and turn passion into profit.
Having It All: Your Life on Your Terms was with Lauren Lake, Dee Marshall, Lola Ogunnaike, Dr. Andrea Pennington and Candice Frederick. They shared with participants on how though you are out of school and ready to set the world on fire, the path to goals may not be as straightforward as thought, but you can stay track, compromise or confront situations, pursue dreams, overcome challenges and remain true to yourself.
Making Your Voice Heard: You Can Make a Difference with Valeshia Butterfield, Quin Conyers, Rahama Wright and moderated by Jeffrey Johnson. They shared with participants that knowing there is a problem is the first step in creating change or making a difference and how to take action. Knowing what you should be doing, what you are passionate about, and practical tools and strategies for becoming an effective advocate for change were shared.
There were many giveaways from sponsors, the Sallie Mae Fund recognized five outstanding women who were selected from more than 1,000 applicants to each receive a $5,000 Generation Next college scholarship and recording artists, Suai and Brandon Hines performed. Look out for Suai’s album spring 2009.
It was definitely worth the $35 registration fee. Make sure you attend next year! Some pictures from the event are below. Picture 1: Vanessa Simmons Pic 2:Angela Simmons both of Pastry Pic 3:Angela Simmons, Angela Burt-Murray ESSENCE Editor-in-Chief and Vanessa Simmons.

Monday, November 10, 2008
Top 10 Tips For Planning and Paying For College

1.Make the most of high school academics and activities. Select courses that meet college admission requirements. Develop your interests and talents through additional activities.
2.Find a college that fits you. Use the internet, guidebooks, brochures, campus visits, and college fairs to find schools that meet your academic and personal needs.
3.Take appropriate standardized tests such as the SAT and/or the ACT which are usually required for college admissions. Use a test prep book or online practice tools to get ready.
4.Familiarize yourself with the college application process. Make a list of all deadlines and required recommendations, essays, transcripts and test scores.
5.Investigate scholarship opportunities early. Scholarships are based on a variety of criteria and can be found on the internet, in scholarship guides, and through sponsoring groups.
6.Beware of scholarship scams. No one can guarantee you a scholarship in advance, and you should never have to pay a fee for scholarship searches.
7.Understand college costs. In addition to tuition, room and board; you also will need to cover fees, books, transportation and personal expenses.
8.Research your eligibility for federal and state financial aid. Two-thirds of all full-time undergraduate students receive some kind of financial aid, so odds are you are eligible too.
9.Complete the FAFSA annually in January. This is required to be considered for federal student aid. College, state agencies, and some scholarships also require it.
10.Explore student and parent loans. Borrow only what you absolutely need. Start with federal student loan programs which usually provide the best terms.
Also, remember the P rule which states, "Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Barbie & Walmart Partnering To Benefit Local Hospitals
On Nov 8th 2008 from noon - 3pm Wal-Mart hosted the Give Back with Barbie Cares Program where children bring in a used Barbie doll to the store. For each doll received Barbie will donate a new doll to a local hospital. A live Barbie was available to take pictures with the little princesses who showed up for the event. Below is a picture of some friends and I with the Barbie at the Dundalk, MD location. For more information please visit
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Obama’s Win: Barack Obama seen through the eyes of a foreign black female.
It finally happened! The jubilation was incomprehensible and the energy beyond words. As a black woman, I never thought I would live to see a black man become the president of the US. It is a new day in America. With Barack Obama’s win, America made history by voting in a colorblind manner. His election as the 1st African-American and 44th president has electrified the nation with a new sense of optimism and hope. By winning states that had previously voted Republican, his win has redrawn the political map. Change has indeed come to America and the nation has taken a giant step toward the creation of a more perfect union. His election to the presidency of the US is significant because it demonstrates that personality, preparation and persistence can propel anyone to achieve their personal goals.
His win inspired me to desire to know more about the man who is now the president elect with such a short political career. Who is Barack Obama and what transformed this man from his humble beginnings to become the president? Obama’s journey is a testament to success through fate, hard work and the making of good choices. His optimism is a reflection of his personality and the decisions his parents made would ultimately provide the ideal background for a presidential candidate in the year 2008. He is the product of an African father and an American mother. This makes him part of two races but void of the slave legacy. He’s biracial but in America he is called “black” thanks to the “one drop rule” instituted during slavery, where a person with any black ancestry, regardless of how remote, is labeled as black. Though some biracial people feel being part of two races has negatively affected them, Obama’s being biracial is an asset because to many people he is not defined by race. His looks and features allow him to blend in with many ethnicities and nationalities in the US and around the world. He inherited both biblical and Muslim names, Barack and Hussein, a combination which implies camaraderie between the sometimes opposing Christian and Muslim religions. At age two his parents separated and subsequently divorced, with his father seeing him only once more before he died. He didn’t grow up understanding what African or America’s “black” culture was because he was not exposed to these concepts. He was raised by his mother and grandparents who are all white, making him no different than a white boy with a tan. His mother remarried and worked in diverse countries, which led him to be raised in dissimilar parts of the world, making him “worldly” and thus open to different perspectives, experiences and cultures. Like many in America today, he has been through having an absent parent, his parents’ divorce, living with a step-parent, in a house headed by a woman and with his grandparents. Emotionally he has walked the path and knows the pain many people are going through in today’s America because he has experienced it himself.
His personality, sculpted by his experiences, makes him a relatable figure. He has a methodical approach and an inclusive spirit that puts many people ease with him. His upbringing and education enable him to efficiently interact with people of any race or class. He followed in his father’s footsteps in his decision to attend Harvard, one of the most prestigious law schools in the country, making him an Ivy Leaguer. He was selected as the president of the Harvard Law Review because other students believed he would be fair. He served in public interest capacities, even though he was swimming in law school debts he would have loved to have paid off. Unlike many African American men who conveniently choose to believe that they can’t have a nuclear family because they were not raised in one, he chose to create and live the family life he didn’t have while growing up. Again, contrasting others in his shoes who would have selected a “fair skinned eye candy doormat trophy wife” to fit the mantra that “the wife must be lighter than the husband” image often projected in the black media or that he should have “married up” into an old money country club Caucasian family that a Harvard-educated Caucasian wife could provide to advance his social and career goals, he married an educated, dark skinned, and intelligent woman from humble beginnings who is his equal but obviously didn’t come with a dowry. If Obama had done it differently he may not have been viewed as positively by many in both the Caucasian and African American communities. He is an educated, intelligent, good-looking black married man with two children living in a nuclear family, a model that is fast disappearing in America today. Obama’s profile shatters the negative stereotypes of black men, which in many cases are justified. Obama is a nuclear family man who does not appear to have extramarital affair skeletons in his closet. This leads me to believe there are still some good black men left out there. He seems squeaky clean, although such accusations tarnished the images of some who paved the way for him. Obama has played the hand he was dealt remarkably well and made lemonade out of his lemons. I wish others learn from him.
His campaign for the presidency was non-threatening to any race. By his nature he seems organized and self-contained. He likes to control events; events don’t control him. Like a seasoned entertainer, he has the ability to project himself brilliantly. He doesn’t do identity or victim politics or anything else. Obama is a genuine intellectual who is comfortable in his own skin. He’s a regular guy who is not burdened with being a Washingtonian because he hasn’t been there for very long. He is charming and can be tough, which is what he needs to be to get things done. He embodies what America is: a melting pot of races and a place where success can be achieved by striving for one’s personal best. Before Obama’s win, how did the rest of the world see America lately? Some might say as a big bully. This is not too far-fetched. The Iraq war is perceived by many to be part of America’s expansionism. The Foreign Minister of Russia said in an interview, “We want the US to be first among equals. We don’t want to be a rival superpower but we want America to consult with, ask and hear us.” Obama is the needed redemptive figure in American politics, the soothing balm to a hurting nation and the repairer of America’s damaged image to the rest of the world. He is aware of the weight on his shoulders as the soon-to-be leader of the free world.
Many say as far as ego and arrogance are concerned, both McCain and Obama in many ways are similar. However, one is young, vibrant and idealistic while the other is older, seasoned and battle-tested. Though this was the largest age difference between two candidates for president, it was not just a competition of the strength of youth versus the wisdom of age. Obama was the one with the steady head and hand who displayed that he understood what was occurring in the nation and the world, and had the confidence to turn around the current depressing tide. The opportunity created by the perfect storm of the negative economic situation currently being experienced, formed by the eight years of the Bush administration, created the opportunity for the ideal rescue personified by Barack Obama. Many Americans were in an “anything but this economic mess” mode and Obama’s idea of change propelled him to the White House. He probably would not have gotten elected any other way, so he knew his role was that of damage control and reconstruction.
Barack Obama is not a lone warrior. He benefited from the fruits of the labor of those who helped him win this election -- African American leaders of the past such as Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, Alan Keyes, Carol Moseley Braun, Al Sharpton and all the others who came before him. Some of them promoted a visible African American candidacy for the president as early as 36 years ago. He was the new kid on the block. He is not from some well-known or politically significant African American family such as the King family. Initially, I thought he needed more experience, that he needed to be more seasoned; however, he was sufficiently prepared. He attended Ivy League schools, he’s a trained lawyer, he’s well traveled, and he did public interest work. He is as qualified as anyone else for the position. He is definitely not an affirmative action president. I once said when he decided to run that I hope he made the decision by himself after being isolated because it seemed he was being pushed to run by others. While that may be true, I believe others recognized his servant leadership spirit and encouraged him to run. It is said that he realizes how much people are hurting and he has a sense of responsibility, often worrying about disappointing people. These are the traits of a good leader. Ultimately, there is no set amount of training for the presidency. It is a job which requires on-the-job training and he won’t do it alone; he’s already assembling his team. He did the right thing, running when he did, because one doesn’t necessarily get another chance at such a great opportunity and one can see that through the long campaign that he has become presidential.
Right now an overwhelming majority feels good about Barack Obama’s win but people need to feel good about themselves as well, yet with the health, employment, energy, economic, credit and education crises occurring, how is that possible? How can the thousands of black men, potential Barack Obamas sitting in jails because they chose to go the wrong route or unemployed people facing foreclosure, feel good about themselves and what lies ahead? The answer is hard work, hard work and more hard work for each and every one. Obama has set the standard. No one, minorities included, has any excuse for not attaining their personal best now. His story shows that any goal is achievable if one is ready to do what it takes. Get a good education, work hard, be focused and stay the course. Even his errors on the path to the presidency show that mistakes can be made and recovered from without derailing one’s destiny. His audacity of hope and the faith to work towards a goal are remarkable. Now that he has won, as he has said, “the road to America’s recovery is long and the climb is very steep.” No one should expect miracles because things cannot change overnight, in one year or even in one term. There will be set-backs and false starts and he won’t be able to solve every problem. He will be challenged in many ways and from different directions because of the catastrophes occurring, but as a collective repair force, Americans are up to the task.
America is the mecca for democracy, freedom, and individualism, and Obama’s journey, is a great testament to the fact that there are no barriers and anything is possible. The world is fascinated with and charmed by Obama’s spirit because of the new, reinvigorated America he represents. The choice of Barack Hussein Obama as president, a man with what is perceived by many to be a Muslim middle name, is amazingly forgiving of the US in a post 9/11 world. He is the best America has to offer in terms of inclusiveness, diversity and democracy. Yes, Obama can do much by executive order and he will be backed by a stronger Democratic majority in Congress, but Republicans need not fear him, even with his appointing Rahm “the bulldog” Emanuel as his Chief of Staff because he said, “I will listen, especially when we disagree.” What else can one ask for in a leader? This is a time for construction and reconstruction. This is a time to remember the immortal words of John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.” Barack Obama is a man and president-elect whose heart and mind are in the right place. He has good judgment and this is the time to work together for the common good of America and restore its waning glory. What did I learn from Barak Obama’s story of and his recent election? I learnt that personality, preparation and persistence are equalizers that level life’s playing field and can make the American dream become a reality.
His win inspired me to desire to know more about the man who is now the president elect with such a short political career. Who is Barack Obama and what transformed this man from his humble beginnings to become the president? Obama’s journey is a testament to success through fate, hard work and the making of good choices. His optimism is a reflection of his personality and the decisions his parents made would ultimately provide the ideal background for a presidential candidate in the year 2008. He is the product of an African father and an American mother. This makes him part of two races but void of the slave legacy. He’s biracial but in America he is called “black” thanks to the “one drop rule” instituted during slavery, where a person with any black ancestry, regardless of how remote, is labeled as black. Though some biracial people feel being part of two races has negatively affected them, Obama’s being biracial is an asset because to many people he is not defined by race. His looks and features allow him to blend in with many ethnicities and nationalities in the US and around the world. He inherited both biblical and Muslim names, Barack and Hussein, a combination which implies camaraderie between the sometimes opposing Christian and Muslim religions. At age two his parents separated and subsequently divorced, with his father seeing him only once more before he died. He didn’t grow up understanding what African or America’s “black” culture was because he was not exposed to these concepts. He was raised by his mother and grandparents who are all white, making him no different than a white boy with a tan. His mother remarried and worked in diverse countries, which led him to be raised in dissimilar parts of the world, making him “worldly” and thus open to different perspectives, experiences and cultures. Like many in America today, he has been through having an absent parent, his parents’ divorce, living with a step-parent, in a house headed by a woman and with his grandparents. Emotionally he has walked the path and knows the pain many people are going through in today’s America because he has experienced it himself.
His personality, sculpted by his experiences, makes him a relatable figure. He has a methodical approach and an inclusive spirit that puts many people ease with him. His upbringing and education enable him to efficiently interact with people of any race or class. He followed in his father’s footsteps in his decision to attend Harvard, one of the most prestigious law schools in the country, making him an Ivy Leaguer. He was selected as the president of the Harvard Law Review because other students believed he would be fair. He served in public interest capacities, even though he was swimming in law school debts he would have loved to have paid off. Unlike many African American men who conveniently choose to believe that they can’t have a nuclear family because they were not raised in one, he chose to create and live the family life he didn’t have while growing up. Again, contrasting others in his shoes who would have selected a “fair skinned eye candy doormat trophy wife” to fit the mantra that “the wife must be lighter than the husband” image often projected in the black media or that he should have “married up” into an old money country club Caucasian family that a Harvard-educated Caucasian wife could provide to advance his social and career goals, he married an educated, dark skinned, and intelligent woman from humble beginnings who is his equal but obviously didn’t come with a dowry. If Obama had done it differently he may not have been viewed as positively by many in both the Caucasian and African American communities. He is an educated, intelligent, good-looking black married man with two children living in a nuclear family, a model that is fast disappearing in America today. Obama’s profile shatters the negative stereotypes of black men, which in many cases are justified. Obama is a nuclear family man who does not appear to have extramarital affair skeletons in his closet. This leads me to believe there are still some good black men left out there. He seems squeaky clean, although such accusations tarnished the images of some who paved the way for him. Obama has played the hand he was dealt remarkably well and made lemonade out of his lemons. I wish others learn from him.
His campaign for the presidency was non-threatening to any race. By his nature he seems organized and self-contained. He likes to control events; events don’t control him. Like a seasoned entertainer, he has the ability to project himself brilliantly. He doesn’t do identity or victim politics or anything else. Obama is a genuine intellectual who is comfortable in his own skin. He’s a regular guy who is not burdened with being a Washingtonian because he hasn’t been there for very long. He is charming and can be tough, which is what he needs to be to get things done. He embodies what America is: a melting pot of races and a place where success can be achieved by striving for one’s personal best. Before Obama’s win, how did the rest of the world see America lately? Some might say as a big bully. This is not too far-fetched. The Iraq war is perceived by many to be part of America’s expansionism. The Foreign Minister of Russia said in an interview, “We want the US to be first among equals. We don’t want to be a rival superpower but we want America to consult with, ask and hear us.” Obama is the needed redemptive figure in American politics, the soothing balm to a hurting nation and the repairer of America’s damaged image to the rest of the world. He is aware of the weight on his shoulders as the soon-to-be leader of the free world.
Many say as far as ego and arrogance are concerned, both McCain and Obama in many ways are similar. However, one is young, vibrant and idealistic while the other is older, seasoned and battle-tested. Though this was the largest age difference between two candidates for president, it was not just a competition of the strength of youth versus the wisdom of age. Obama was the one with the steady head and hand who displayed that he understood what was occurring in the nation and the world, and had the confidence to turn around the current depressing tide. The opportunity created by the perfect storm of the negative economic situation currently being experienced, formed by the eight years of the Bush administration, created the opportunity for the ideal rescue personified by Barack Obama. Many Americans were in an “anything but this economic mess” mode and Obama’s idea of change propelled him to the White House. He probably would not have gotten elected any other way, so he knew his role was that of damage control and reconstruction.
Barack Obama is not a lone warrior. He benefited from the fruits of the labor of those who helped him win this election -- African American leaders of the past such as Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Shirley Chisholm, Jesse Jackson, Alan Keyes, Carol Moseley Braun, Al Sharpton and all the others who came before him. Some of them promoted a visible African American candidacy for the president as early as 36 years ago. He was the new kid on the block. He is not from some well-known or politically significant African American family such as the King family. Initially, I thought he needed more experience, that he needed to be more seasoned; however, he was sufficiently prepared. He attended Ivy League schools, he’s a trained lawyer, he’s well traveled, and he did public interest work. He is as qualified as anyone else for the position. He is definitely not an affirmative action president. I once said when he decided to run that I hope he made the decision by himself after being isolated because it seemed he was being pushed to run by others. While that may be true, I believe others recognized his servant leadership spirit and encouraged him to run. It is said that he realizes how much people are hurting and he has a sense of responsibility, often worrying about disappointing people. These are the traits of a good leader. Ultimately, there is no set amount of training for the presidency. It is a job which requires on-the-job training and he won’t do it alone; he’s already assembling his team. He did the right thing, running when he did, because one doesn’t necessarily get another chance at such a great opportunity and one can see that through the long campaign that he has become presidential.
Right now an overwhelming majority feels good about Barack Obama’s win but people need to feel good about themselves as well, yet with the health, employment, energy, economic, credit and education crises occurring, how is that possible? How can the thousands of black men, potential Barack Obamas sitting in jails because they chose to go the wrong route or unemployed people facing foreclosure, feel good about themselves and what lies ahead? The answer is hard work, hard work and more hard work for each and every one. Obama has set the standard. No one, minorities included, has any excuse for not attaining their personal best now. His story shows that any goal is achievable if one is ready to do what it takes. Get a good education, work hard, be focused and stay the course. Even his errors on the path to the presidency show that mistakes can be made and recovered from without derailing one’s destiny. His audacity of hope and the faith to work towards a goal are remarkable. Now that he has won, as he has said, “the road to America’s recovery is long and the climb is very steep.” No one should expect miracles because things cannot change overnight, in one year or even in one term. There will be set-backs and false starts and he won’t be able to solve every problem. He will be challenged in many ways and from different directions because of the catastrophes occurring, but as a collective repair force, Americans are up to the task.
America is the mecca for democracy, freedom, and individualism, and Obama’s journey, is a great testament to the fact that there are no barriers and anything is possible. The world is fascinated with and charmed by Obama’s spirit because of the new, reinvigorated America he represents. The choice of Barack Hussein Obama as president, a man with what is perceived by many to be a Muslim middle name, is amazingly forgiving of the US in a post 9/11 world. He is the best America has to offer in terms of inclusiveness, diversity and democracy. Yes, Obama can do much by executive order and he will be backed by a stronger Democratic majority in Congress, but Republicans need not fear him, even with his appointing Rahm “the bulldog” Emanuel as his Chief of Staff because he said, “I will listen, especially when we disagree.” What else can one ask for in a leader? This is a time for construction and reconstruction. This is a time to remember the immortal words of John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you but ask what you can do for your country.” Barack Obama is a man and president-elect whose heart and mind are in the right place. He has good judgment and this is the time to work together for the common good of America and restore its waning glory. What did I learn from Barak Obama’s story of and his recent election? I learnt that personality, preparation and persistence are equalizers that level life’s playing field and can make the American dream become a reality.
Friday, November 7, 2008

Thank God it's Friday but are you all stressed out, tired & running on empty? With the hectic lives we live stress can build up before you know it.
Here as some symptoms: you are always late, you forget what day it is, you do everything more than usual such as eating & drinking. You are overly multitasking, you don't finish anything, you lose your patience easily, you cry for no reason, you are always anxious, your palms are sweaty, your heart is racing, you feel nervous, you live on junk food, your morale is low & you keep asking yourself if you are ok.
To get back on track:
Plan ahead, don't sweat the small stuff, eat, sleep, excercise & take better care of yourself, relax, breath deeply, meditate & ask for help.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
First Class Singles Part II
Number 1
Passionately pursue God, not a person. Why do I say pursue God passionately, relentlessly and single-mindedly? It is because he is the source of authentic life, joy and unconditional and lasting love. Each one of us has a deep longing to be loved unconditionally. If a woman is honest she will say “I want someone to just love me for me, to just want me”. We want someone to love us for whom we are. There is nothing wrong with that desire, it was God who placed that void and longing in our hearts because he is a God of relationship but he wants us to put first things first, him.
Before God created Eve, he had a relationship with Adam first. Many of us are running from relationship to relationship looking in all the wrong places to fill the void. There are people who are addicted to illicit relationships, food, drugs, alcohol, pornography and many other things because they are trying to fill a void or having a high met. However only God can fill this void. That’s why Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind. All means with every fiber of your being. What should define you as a man or woman is your relationship with God. Then you will know yourself and yourself worth. To passionately pursue God means spending time with him on a daily basis to the point when he becomes the first thing on your mind at all times.
I saw the need for this because I was in a relationship where I was crazy about this guy. I lost my sense of self-esteem in this relationship and it didn’t work out. I went to bed and woke up with him on my mind. I refused to believe that he was not my package, I said devil you are a liar, and I worked it every way I knew. Did you know someone can be saved and still not for you? I said God, I know this is it and when I finally accepted the reality, that if someone is for me God will tell the person as well as me because God doesn’t do a half job I was able to come to my senses. I said God what happened? He said you know what, you idolized him. I said oh my God, when I read about idols in the Old Testament I simply thought of idols in terms of graven images but he said no, that's not true. Anything you pursue, that you want more than me is an idol. He said, I am a jealous God. If you want your business to succeed, a mate, a house, a car more than God, you are idolizing those things and he’s not having it. God wants you to pursue him.
This is not just for women it is for men as well. David, a man after God’s own heart said in Psalm 63 my flesh, my body longs for you. David desired an intimacy with God more than anything. What do you pursue want in life more than anything? If it’s not God, you are not passionately pursuing him. We don’t understand that the more we pursue God the more he is with us in every facet of our lives, protecting, nurturing and guiding us in the life path he has chosen for us.
By Cheryl Martin
Edited by Susan Majek
Passionately pursue God, not a person. Why do I say pursue God passionately, relentlessly and single-mindedly? It is because he is the source of authentic life, joy and unconditional and lasting love. Each one of us has a deep longing to be loved unconditionally. If a woman is honest she will say “I want someone to just love me for me, to just want me”. We want someone to love us for whom we are. There is nothing wrong with that desire, it was God who placed that void and longing in our hearts because he is a God of relationship but he wants us to put first things first, him.
Before God created Eve, he had a relationship with Adam first. Many of us are running from relationship to relationship looking in all the wrong places to fill the void. There are people who are addicted to illicit relationships, food, drugs, alcohol, pornography and many other things because they are trying to fill a void or having a high met. However only God can fill this void. That’s why Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind. All means with every fiber of your being. What should define you as a man or woman is your relationship with God. Then you will know yourself and yourself worth. To passionately pursue God means spending time with him on a daily basis to the point when he becomes the first thing on your mind at all times.
I saw the need for this because I was in a relationship where I was crazy about this guy. I lost my sense of self-esteem in this relationship and it didn’t work out. I went to bed and woke up with him on my mind. I refused to believe that he was not my package, I said devil you are a liar, and I worked it every way I knew. Did you know someone can be saved and still not for you? I said God, I know this is it and when I finally accepted the reality, that if someone is for me God will tell the person as well as me because God doesn’t do a half job I was able to come to my senses. I said God what happened? He said you know what, you idolized him. I said oh my God, when I read about idols in the Old Testament I simply thought of idols in terms of graven images but he said no, that's not true. Anything you pursue, that you want more than me is an idol. He said, I am a jealous God. If you want your business to succeed, a mate, a house, a car more than God, you are idolizing those things and he’s not having it. God wants you to pursue him.
This is not just for women it is for men as well. David, a man after God’s own heart said in Psalm 63 my flesh, my body longs for you. David desired an intimacy with God more than anything. What do you pursue want in life more than anything? If it’s not God, you are not passionately pursuing him. We don’t understand that the more we pursue God the more he is with us in every facet of our lives, protecting, nurturing and guiding us in the life path he has chosen for us.
By Cheryl Martin
Edited by Susan Majek
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pedestrian Safety!
Photo Credit: Dan Heller Photography
Pedestrian safety begins with you!
You never know who or what is behind the wheel driving the vehicle.
So, always walk defensively and carefully put your best and safest foot forward!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step.....
Everyday it seems I try hard to do so much but at the end of the day when I see how little I have actually accomplished, I feel disappointed in myself and discouraged. However, I have to remind myself of the words of wisdom which states, Don’t judge each day by the harvest, judge it by the seeds you sow. Even the completion of the biggest project is made up of little projects accomplished along the way.
A journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step..... and we all know every little bit helps toward our journey to any destination, so be encouraged and keep doing what you do!
A journey of a thousand miles, begins with one step..... and we all know every little bit helps toward our journey to any destination, so be encouraged and keep doing what you do!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Real Accomplishment
You can envision and speculate, plan, theorize and guess about how things will turn out. The way to know for sure, though, is to step forward and make the effort.
There are plenty of things that could go wrong, and challenges you probably never thought about. But don't let the mere possibility of those problems prevent you from getting started.
When events fail to unfold as you anticipated, you can learn, evaluate, make adjustments and then keep on going. Keep in mind that each difficult challenge brings with it the opportunity to create even greater value by working through it.
All the things that are easy and without risk have already been done. If it is real accomplishment you seek, you must be willing to take on real challenge.
Look ahead to the goal at the end of the path, and see it clearly. Then step confidently forward, ready to do whatever you must to reach that goal.
Real accomplishment is well within your reach. With real effort, real commitment and real persistence you'll absolutely get yourself there.
By Katrina "K-Rock" Moore
There are plenty of things that could go wrong, and challenges you probably never thought about. But don't let the mere possibility of those problems prevent you from getting started.
When events fail to unfold as you anticipated, you can learn, evaluate, make adjustments and then keep on going. Keep in mind that each difficult challenge brings with it the opportunity to create even greater value by working through it.
All the things that are easy and without risk have already been done. If it is real accomplishment you seek, you must be willing to take on real challenge.
Look ahead to the goal at the end of the path, and see it clearly. Then step confidently forward, ready to do whatever you must to reach that goal.
Real accomplishment is well within your reach. With real effort, real commitment and real persistence you'll absolutely get yourself there.
By Katrina "K-Rock" Moore
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Give It Up, It's Time To Quit...
I know you've heard this before but there are somethings we know we need to do, one of such things is to stop smoking if we do. Why? There are so many reasons to stop smoking such as the financial drain on your wallet, the damage to your health, having children with low birth weight and being under the power of a strongly addictive substance. A word is enough to the wise...

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Hey You! Start Moving Yourself Forward!
Start moving yourself forward.
The world opens up all sorts of easy & difficult opportunities your way.
Find ways to take advantage of them.
When opportunity meets preparation,
Magic happens & success is imminent.
However, you must choose to do so.
You must seize each day & take the initiative to take advantage of opportunities as they come your way.
& you must be prepared, focused & hardworking enough to finish what you start.
So that you can live a fulfilled life
Because you have a choice to either live the thrill of victory or endure the painful agony of regret.
Many events, people & situations will help you along & be the catalysis your progress.
The only limitations that can stop you temporarily or permanently are the ones you place on yourself.
Laziness, lack of confidence, doubts, confusion, incompetence and limiting beliefs are of no use to you.
So discard them.
You must work hard on yourself to know that you are worth being successful.
This may be easy or hard work for you depending on your level of self-esteem.
Regardless of what part of the self-esteem spectrum you are in,
Choose to let people, actions, beliefs and thought processes that don’t serve you go.
Calling you to start moving yourself forward.
Calling you to start putting in the hard work required to make you the best you, you can be.
Calling for you to be your best self.
Calling for you to live to your fullest potential.
Calling for you to make you proud of yourself
Start moving yourself forward
Second by second
Hour by hour
Day by day
Month by month
Year by year
Decade by decade
& let yourself be the best you, the star, you know you can be,
Because you must Start before you can become a Star!
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