“The Search 2009” Miss Black America
Competition & Television Special
Do you have what it takes to represent Maryland, DC, or Virginia? The Miss Black America organization is currently searching for teenage girls and women of color between the ages of 13-29 to compete for the title of Miss Black America 2010 and Miss Black America Teen 2010.
Contestants must be a resident, student, or be employed by the states of Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia to take part in the casting call on Saturday, April 25, 2009.
Location: Temple of Praise, 700 Southern Ave, SE, WDC, 10am-8pm (arrive early)
All interested contestants MUST bring with them proof of age, a recent photo and your smile. Applications will be given out onsite. Teens must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Registration fee is $50.00. Visit www.theSearch2009.com for early registration. See you there!