The US is clearly a melting pot. People from different countries come to partake of the American dream. However, blending into the society can be easy or hard for people depending on what they come equipped with. I put together a list that I hope will benefit people if they are wise enough to take heed. A word is enough for the wise.
Learn to use a computer efficiently
Learn to take care of yourself. Be able to cook, clean, do your own hair and better yet minor repairs on your car and around your house.
Be organized, persistent and personable.
Know that the media images in the US of many countries are negative and people will use that to judge you and you will have to work to overcome that.
Be ready to take direction or work under people much younger than you or of a different gender.
Be ready to encounter people who were raised very differently from you
Be an expert at something. This will make you very valuable.
Learn to read or search the internet to get information instead of asking people.
Be as physically and emotionally independent as possible. You will miss home and your friends are family but that is the trade of being in the US.
Be ready to act as a "house maid" or "butler" for who you have to live with initially. That’s a very small price to pay for free rent living.
Know many things people tell you they will do for you when you get here will not happen. Yes, that brother or cousin won’t do many things promised so be ready to deal with whatever situation comes up.
Learn to drive.
Be ready to be somewhat isolated and lonely especially when you have to attend school to gain knowledge in your chosen field.
Realize that you have to be flexible with your dreams. Some dreams you have will have to adjusted or abandoned.
Finish as much of your education program in your home country as possible so you can go to the next level here.
In your home country do your best to get into a reputable institution that is recognized around the world including the US.
Be ready to work jobs you think are beneath you
Be ready to work very hard. If you are lazy, don’t bother coming.
Be ready to go to school and be trained.
Be ready to miss home terribly. You think your country is terrible but you have lived there for long and it is home. There will be winters in the US where all you want to do is go home.
Be ready to start with nothing. No money, friends or family. It may happen.
Be ready to have to break up with whoever you are in a relationship with.
Be ready to modify or totally change your life's plans. You come to America wanting to be an attorney or Doctor and you end up being a nurse or lab tech. It happens.
Ladies be ready to interact with men who only want sex, may get you pregnant and disappear.
Your social stratification may dramatically be reduced. For example if you come from a middle class family you may become a very low class person in the western world.
Even if you have financial support be ready to work to augment it.