Monday, October 31, 2011
Why Can't Washington Find A Leader Like Steve Jobs?
The late Steve Jobs of Apple with the IPad
With the leadership let down in DC, on a political talk show yesterday, the question was asked, "Why can't Washington find a visionary leader like Steve Jobs?"
A man like with Steve Jobs of Apple who had a "can do practicality to make people do the impossible" on his watch.
The answer is because Washington isn't a company named Apple...
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Sunday, October 30, 2011
Following The Career Path You Were Designed For
For me, it was true that the grass is always greener on the other side. As an African born introvert gifted with many creative talents, I always felt inferior because I felt writing has little power, prestige and financial reward because of the challenging lives many African creative types including writers live. So, I stayed away and chased after other careers I knew I wasn't designed for or was a good fit for. However, the bible states, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails," and God's purpose for my life is finally prevailing.
After many years of chasing after the prestigious and high paying careers, I had a forced "turn around" that came as unhappiness, depression, lack of career fulfillment and physical illness and I slowly but surely began to do what I knew I was designed for, so when I see other people like my previous self, chasing after wrong career paths for the wrong reasons, I am appalled and alarmed because I've been there and done that and know where such stories end. I recently saw such a scenario play out in front of me which I will share.
I was flabbergasted when I was told a younger friend of mine had joined the police force. I couldn't believe this sensitive, easy going, articulate, intelligent, analytical, introvert and voracious reader who had glorious dreams of working in the international sphere as a foreign service official had signed up to become a police officer.
Then again, I could believe it, when I know the reality of life for so many people, especially African immigrants is that when bills are piling up, any well-paying job will do. This was the case for this young man. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the police force or policemen, but I know that not everyone especially not this particular guy is designed to become one.
Anyway, this guy who had had his glorious dreams of a foreign service career dashed after the completion of his undergraduate degree, had temporarily taken up work as a caretaker for disabled people while waiting to be called for interviews for the types of jobs he really wanted to do, especially a promising and cushy foreign service position. However, those jobs like I told him years ago, take years to process in the post 9/11 world, so the frustration of years of waiting for the foreign service to contact him to no avail is what led him to sign up for the police force under the encouragement and pressure of his loved ones, especially his wife who said she wants financial security and his mother whose statements implied that she wants a son she can boast about to her friends.
So, he put his nature and fears aside and joined the police force. After 11 weeks of training, during which he said he got in so much trouble with his superiors because his reflexes where not wired to respond fast enough to their liking, he couldn’t sleep at night, had high blood pressure, was very tense, couldn’t think straight, and he was very stressed. He also said that he was required to do so many fear inducing things that were against his nature nature and found himself overcompensating for his stress by going to vacation spots to de-stress each weekend.
After the 11 weeks of training, he was right back where he started with from, only this time with a very disappointed wife, father and mother to contend with after he dropped out. He said even though his going against his nature didn't make him quit, he finally came to the conclusion to quit because he didn’t want to be a father whose kids feared he wouldn’t return every day he went out to work. I was particularly suprised that his wife and mother weren't concerned for his safety. They were more concerned about themselves.
African parents especially like to dictate their children’s profession. Some would like to believe they are assisting, but many times, it crosses over to control. I was at an event where a young lady said she's in school to become a doctor, because her mom is a doctor and wants her to become one because of the financial security. A family friend I grew up with said her mother like other Nigerian parents filled out the University forms with her, that's why she went to law school. Her mother later told me that her other younger daughter became an engineer because she wouldn't let her become just a singer since that's not a stable enough career choice.
A world renowed Nigerian female government official advised her son who is a published budding writer to attend medical school to become a doctor to have a stable career as writing is unpredictable. Her logic is understandable and I’m sure she gave this advice out of love, but what about J.K. Rawlings, the author of Harry Potter? Would she be who she is today if she had listened to such advice?
The best solution would be to have a dual career. For some people, dual careers work out and for others, one has to give way for the other, especially when one gives immediate financial security, while the other is a “work in progress”. For many people, with only 24 hours in a day, living life and facing other challenges and obligations leaves them only enough time for one career, so the other career usually the non-financially rewarding, but fulfilling one is neglected, usually for a large chunk if not for the rest of the person’s life.
This is where the adage, time is money needs to be evaluated correctly. There are 24 hours in a day, which when lost can never be regained, so when you are a part- timer in a career field competing with full-timers, know that although that may be the only way you can do it, you are at a great disadvantage because each career requires much time commitment and the full timers who have more time to dedicate will be ahead of you.
Also, when you are in the wrong profession, you are occupying a place that belongs to someone else that was designed for it and would have excelled at it, while you are traumatizing yourself in it. So, know that money, financial security and prestige aren't everything, and do yourself and everyone else a favor by doing what you know deep down you were designed to do.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Zappos Ads Featuring Naked Women!
I was recently just flipping through the new edition of Cosmopolitan Magazine and was shocked to find, an online shoe and apparel shop tagged as the “largest online shoe store” using a black naked women to advertise their products. After some research I found more pictures on line revealing that they are Equal Opportunity Exploiters of women’s images and it’s just plain wrong and ridiculous. What’s the world coming to? Why can’t they just show the shoes and clothes they selling instead of putting naked images of women out for public consumption? This is so
The company which was acquired by and featured in most world publications, including The New Yorker, USA Today, CNN, The New York Times, Inc. Magazine, The Washington Post, CBS News, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, and Forbes can do definitely do better than using a black woman wearing knee high black boots, holding a black bag and hailing a taxi while a dark haired Caucasian or Middle Eastern looking man looks at her or a Caucasian woman riding a bicycle or a naked woman running. Am I missing something here? Or this is the just the new low companies are happily descending to, to shock people to gain attention from customers, so they can patronize their products?
When the CEO, Tony Hsieh was on the Barbara Walters special, he seemed like a refined and reasonable gentleman and I’m having trouble reconciling the image he projected while he was being interviewed, to someone who would allow these ads, although I know the advertising agency, Mullen, would be all gung ho that these are the best images for the company, but either way, the company that’s paying for it has the final say and the company should have displayed better judgment and corporate social responsibility than to allow this.
Being a Harvard educated young man; I wouldn’t expect this from him. I would expect him to be refined. To me, this is more along the lines of what Play Boy founder, Hugh Heffner would do. Unwholesome ads that objectify and degrade people are going unchecked and getting more and more prevalent. It seems like in many people's minds including powerful decision makers at ad agencies and companies, there's a blur between wholesomeness and unwholesomeness and they keep crossing the line all in the name of making money, to the point that they can't differentiate what's what anymore. As far as they are concerned, it's okay to parade the nakedness of other people's daughters, sons, brothers, sisters, wives, friends, cousins etc, because they are just objects they have no personal or emotional connections to, so I have a "Litmus" test to help them in their decision making process.
If a company is considering an image to represent them and they are not sure if they are crossing the line or not, all they need to do is replace the models in the ad with images of their own family members especially of the opposite sex. For example, Tony Hsieh should replace the naked models with his mother's, sister's or daughter's images, keeping in mind that the images will be made available to the public especially men all over the world to ogle at, fantasize about and even masturbate to, then he can reevaluate how "good" and "effective" the ads are now that he has emotional connections to those in it.
This ad and others like it displaying lewd images is very offensive, inappropriate and unnecessary. It’s just another example of America’s unchecked moral depravity that's contributing the country losing its moral compass and Zappos should be made to "Zap" those images. The debauchery of the times we live in is unbelievable.
East Coast Snowtober!
The snow season of 2011/12 made an early landing today of all days, on October 29th and even took the electricity from many homes, leaving them without power! What’s up with snow in Maryland today? This is a rare October blizzard. It’s not even December yet, talk less of January/February when we have submitted to the fact that we will have to welcome snow into our lives, whether we like it or not.
What's the world coming to? Is this the result of global warming or something else? I live in Maryland and I had to drive in it and I tell you it was not a pleasant experience at all. Many accidents occured and I was just happy to get off the roads and get home. I then turn on the TV only to see millions of people all over the East Coast in the dark and without power in their homes. I am just grateful that I'm not one of them.
Like I tell people all the time, the only place I like snow is in movies, when it's all clean, white and glistening. However, the reality of snow is of course very different from the Hollywood version. It's freezing, cars are slipping and sliding on the roads, accidents are occuring, the snow is accumulating on your roof and on the top of cars, and after all that, we have to endure the long and dirty looking snow in thaw out. That's why I hate it.
Since we have had to welcome snow so early this year, I guess it’s only going to get worse in January/February and another terrible Snowmageddon awaits us in 2012.
May God help us!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Get A Room! @ Rep @ Howard University's Homecoming
Visit the website to sign up by entering your name and email and you will be emailed when it’s time.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
The Nine Lives of Marion Barry
The documentary which highlights the good, the bad and the ugly of DC’s charming former mayor, Marion Barry, includes only one of his four wives, Effi Slaughter saying, "Marion is a man and power is a very seductive mistress." The documentary showed who he was and is, and how he keeps getting back up after knocking himself down like a cat with nine lives.
The nine lives description is fitting for Barry because the myth attributed to cats is based on the natural suppleness and swiftness cats exhibit to escape life-threatening situations, including the fact that falling cats often land on their feet, using an instinctive righting reflex to twist their bodies around and Barry has shown that on some level, he has mastered the art of reemerging, which has given him commendable staying power in DC politics.
What is amazing is that there were a lot of negatives about him, but he kept getting reelected into office because he is an amazing character with plenty of charm and charisma. Part of the DC dynamic that gave him so much power is that DC was not a unionized city and even if they had unions, they had a no strike law, so they were like dogs without teeth left without any real power and DC also has the taxation without representation issue, so the mayor is a very important leader in DC.
I had seen Barry at Ben's Chili bowl, but my relationship with him was peripheral. He was a civil rights activist before he was elected into office and in January of 1979; he became mayor, gave people jobs and contracts, and they loved him for it. Previously all white DC construction sites became multi-ethnic and DC residents voted for him loyally because many saw him as their only opportunity to excel and they continued re-electing him hoping he would conquer his demons and return to the person he was when he initially took office. Like any smart politician he knew how to appeal to his audience by dressing appropriately. When he was east of the Anacostia, he wore a Dashiki. When he was west, he wore a suit and tie. Charisma and loyalty got him re-elected because he gave people jobs and a sense of self-empowerment, but I became disenchanted with him.
Although people in other places or states didn't know about him till he became famous for the hotel room incident in January 1990, when he was caught on video by the FBI smoking crack cocaine with a lady at the Vista Hotel, during which he uttered the infamous words, "The bitch set me up," which ended his political tenure, he has had issues with drug abuse, was caught for having oral sex in jail, and when he got out of jail some people gathered together and bought him a Lincoln car, which he said was stolen, but it was later found that he had sold it. However, DC voters still love him. Maybe because he is a flawed individual like we all are to some degree, albeit not as high as he is. As he himself shared at his victory celebration, “I may not be perfect, but I am perfect for Washington.
He did create jobs and got people hired in DC, but he himself became a problem and in 1996 he declared the city unworkable. There a dichotomy in Marion’s character that’s caused him all these problems. He's charming and gets to the top and he blows it. Power is an aphrodisiac and Marion is like a character in a Greek tragedy. He has a common touch that people love. He can walk equally comfortably in the streets of South East DC and in the halls of Congress, but once the demons took over, it was downhill for him. Even though Anthony Williams became the mayor after him, he was not as beloved as Barry. People complained that Williams didn't interact with local residents enough like Marion did and they didn’t even want him to anyway because they’d rather have Barry.
At a time having a powerful mayor was still a new phenomenon for DC residents, so Barry filled a huge void and he brought the city together at a time as a politically alive and unified city. He empowered people who were disempowered for example with Pride Inc. and east of the Anacostia he let them know that no one was going to ride in on a golden chariot and do things for them. He inspired them to be enterprising, have determination and self-actualize to realize their full potential.
Every politician is challenged while in office, but he was the template of what an African American political leader could've been. However, his lasting legacy will be one of disappointment at his failed potential because power, womanizing, ego and drugs were the perfect storm that led to his downfall. People should look at his negatives and positives while remembering that we are all imperfect humans. The event was moderated by John Douglass, an Associate Professor & Russell Williams, a Distinguished Artist in Residence, both of American University. The documentary which airs on MPT on Tuesday November 1st, 8PM, November 2nd at 12.01 Am & 3:30 AM; Nov 6 at 4:30 PM and MPT2: Saturday, Nov 12th at 9:30PM is a chronology of his successes and challenges as he still remains an active member of DC, the most powerful city in the world's political scene.
For more on Marion Barry visit Méndez Takes A Stand For Human Rights
Juan E. Méndez is a well-known Argentinian human rights activist. His stellar life and career includes representing political prisoners, protecting migrant worker’s rights, enduring torture and administrative detention, being adopted by Amnesty International as a “Prisoner of Conscience,” and being expelled from Argentina.
He launched the Human Rights Watch’s Americas Program, was the director of the Center for Civil and Human Rights at the University of Notre Dame, worked at the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), an international human rights NGO, served as the Executive Director of the Inter-American Institute of Costa Rica and is a UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment.Always one to share his knowledge to further the human rights cause, he has taught Human Rights Law at American University’s Washington College of Law, Georgetown Law School, the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and University of Oxford.
So, it was only fitting for current American University colleagues, faculty, students and friends from far and wide to come together yesterday to listen to him speak at an event titled Human Rights Defender: A Conversation with Professor Juan Mendez, as part of the American University’s Washington College of Law’s International Week’s Human Rights Defender Speaker Series and then to celebrate him later at a reception and book signing in honor of the recent book he wrote with Marjory Wentworth titled Taking A Stand: The Evolution of Human Rights, during which he was also presented with an award. The event which was hosted at the Law School’s Dean’s Suite by Dean Claudio Grossman was the Washington DC stop of his book launch tour to promote the book. Some of what this very modest man with much empathy for the underserved shared with attendees is below:
The title of the book is Taking A Stand and the subtitle is The Evolution of Human Rights. I wrote the book as a reflection of the impact human rights has had on my life, to reflect not only on the growth, but also to acknowledge the challenges.Mario Yacub, one of the 120 lawyers who disappeared in Argentina was one of the people who positively influenced me in my life and career. The late Emilio Mignone was also one of my human rights mentors in Argentina. His son in law, Mario del Carril, wrote his biography titled, La Vida de Emilio Mignone, "Justicia, Catolicisno y derechos Humanos." Through him I learnt what we as a society owe to the victims of human rights violations.
As we celebrate the transition to democracy, we must remember that things haven't always been this way and join in the struggle for institutional reform, which has progressed immensely to the point that organizations are now able to do what they couldn't previously, including people working on human rights reports in the middle of danger zones. Now this is standard procedure. Bob Goldman was another source of inspiration and well-founded information to me, again in the area of how to fight impunity for human rights crimes, and also on how to apply the laws of war to all parties to an armed conflict. When writing the book, I drew on my personal experiences as a victim and my professional experiences as a lawyer and professor to show that there are lessons to be drawn from the past and that there parallels to current real life human rights situations.
The book is a way to illustrate and enable people to understand how far we've come to make the international human rights groups diverse in their composition, effective in their procedures to uncover outstanding occurrences for organizations like Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International and sufficiently equipped with the ability to create effective policies and rules. The fact that they can do all these things now is an achievement. I end the book on a note of hope and challenge because blatant offenses against human dignity like torture haven't disappeared, and subtle but equally brutal punishments such as solitary confinement are now being more broadly used. My book is a social reflection on how we as a global community can work to successfully forge ahead in the path of human rights.
Author’s Note: My personal view of the book is that it is a must have for anyone interested in human rights from a personal or professional perspective. To attest to the quality of the book’s content, copies were sold out at the reception. The book is available everywhere including Pick up your copy to learn about the work of this great human rights activist.More pictures from the event are below. To learn more about Juan E. Méndez visit Wikipedia at
Today's Quote!
Photo Credit:
In life, there's no one size fits all
Every situation is uniquely different
So, always customize solutions to fit your unique situation
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Earth To Netflix: Pride Goes Before A Fall!
When you are a business that provides a luxury not a basic necessity of life such as DVDs and think you are a monopoly, people don't have options and make price hike and new streaming decisions in the cocoon of your plush offices, affecting price conscious Americans hurting from the recession, you are looking to ruin your business, lose customers (800,000 of them as a matter of fact) and induce a stock price decline by stock holders dumping your stock.
That's the lesson DVD by mail giant, Netflix had to learn from their blockbuster price hike blunder. As a company who had humble beginnings in 1997, I don’t know who was thinking what when they came up with this “bright price hike & streaming idea.” I hope it wasn’t the idea of some new Ivy League MBA grad they hired or something like that because that person is probably looking for another job right now.
As the saying goes, “If it ain’t broke don't fix it.” Coca-cola and some other big businesses have had to learn this lesson the hard way. I hope Netflix and other businesses considering such silly actions learn from this.
A word is enough for the wise…
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Submissions Now Open for the 43rd NAACP Image Awards!
2011 Marks the First Full-cycle of Online Submissions
It was announced today by Vicangelo Bulluck, Executive Director of the NAACP Hollywood Bureau, that the submission period for the 43rd NAACP Image Awards is open. Submissions are being accepted online in motion picture, television, recording and literature. The NAACP Image Awards is the nation's premiere multi-culture awards show from an African-American point of view, celebrating the outstanding achievements and performances of people of color in the arts, as well as those individuals or groups who promote social justice through their creative endeavors. This year marks the first full year that the NAACP Image Awards have accepted online submissions. Introduced last year as a test, online submissions were an overwhelming success and have been fully incorporated into the process for 2011. Studios, networks, production companies, record labels, publishing houses, publicists, agents, managers and artists may submit for nomination. All submissions must be received at the NAACP Image Awards Office of Submissions in Los Angeles by 6:00 pm (PT,) Wednesday, November 30, 2011, to be eligible for consideration. Eligible projects must have been distributed or aired nationally between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. Instructions, a complete list of submission categories and the online submission form can be found at About The NAACP: Founded in 1909, the NAACP is the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization. Its members throughout the United States and the world are the premier advocates for civil rights in their communities, conducting voter mobilization and monitoring equal opportunity in the public and private sectors. |
Russian Embassy Hosts Free Film Screenings
The Kremlin
Location: The Russian Embassy
Address: 2650 Wisconsin Avenue, NW (above Glover Park)
Attire: Business
Parking: Valet available.
Date: October 27
Reception: 7:00 PM
Screening: 8:00 PM
Film: My Name Is Ivan (Иваново детство, 1962)
Directed by the legendary Andrei Tarkovsky, My Name Is Ivan (Иваново детство, 1962) tells the story of an orphan boy named Ivan and his experiences during World War II. Ivan’s Childhood, as the film is also sometimes translated, was one of several Soviet films of the late 1950s, such as The Cranes Are Flying and Ballad of a Soldier that looked at the human cost of war and did not glorify the war experience as did films produced before the Krushchev Thaw.
Ivan’s Childhood was Tarkovsky’s first feature film that won him critical acclaim and made him internationally known. It won the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival in 1962 and the Golden Gate Award at the San Francisco International film Festival in 1962. Famous filmmakers such as Ingmar Bergman, Sergey Parajanov and Krzysztof Kieślowski praised the film and cited it as influencing their work.
Professor Vida Johnson, author of The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky: A Visual Fugue, director of the Russian Program at Tufts University, and one of the world’s leading authorities on Tarkovsky, will lead a discussion afterwards.
Date: December 1
Reception: 7:00 PM
Screening: 8:00 PM
Film: Come and See (Иди и смотри, 1985)
Directed by Elem Klimov, Come and See (Иди и смотри, 1985) is a psychological horror drama about the Nazi occupation of the Byelorussian SSR. Aleksei Kravchenko and Olga Mironova star as the protagonists, Florya and Glasha. The script had to wait eight years for approval because of its graphic nature, but the film was finally produced to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the Soviet victory in World War II. It was a large box-office hit, with 28 million tickets sold in the Soviet Union alone. Come and See won the FIPRESCI prize and the Golden Prize at the Moscow International Film Festival in 1985.
Email: IRC@AMERICAN.EDU to RSVP by noon on the Tuesday before the screening. **THIS IS REQUIRED TO ENTER EMBASSY**
Guests are welcome!
Guests are welcome!
Tyra Banks on The Wendy Williams Show
Former supermodel and recording artist, current TV show host and producer and now New York Times bestselling author, Tyra Banks was on the Wendy Williams show recently.
Looking gorgeous in her high size 10 YSL heels with the color of the front being her skin tone, which gives the illusion of length to an already tall figure ready for Wendy's Shoe Cam, and a pretty skirt and dreamy peach blouse and purple skirt ensemble, Miss Banks who recently broke up with her handsome boyfriend, John was looking good and had quite a bit to say, mostly about her work though. She didn't share much of her personal information other than she's lucky that she doesn’t have much hair all over her body.
Well, the author who is always thinking of the next thing to do to increase her brand is promoting her book titled Modelland, which is loosely based on her teen years as an awkward teen with a big forehead who felt unattractive and out of place. The book follows the adventures of a young girl in "a make-believe society" who enrolls at a school for "Intoxibellas, the most exceptional models known to humankind." There are also lessons on the nature of beauty to be learned in the book. She also talked about her Taco and Taco Bell obsession, which she says she eats almost daily, thanks to a Taco Bell being next door to her production location.
I wish the hard working sister much success in all her present and future endeavors.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Rich Lady Treats!
Dana Wilkey
If you are a Beverly Hills Housewife, being singed or blinded by the glaring hot sun is certainly unacceptable. So what do you do? You get yourself another rich lady treat to add to the many you already have by buying yourself a pair of $25,000 sunglasses to protect your precious eyes.
Maybe most people wouldn't do that including the late Steve Jobs of Apple, who was worth seven billion dollars, but chose to live a very modest life, so that money wouldn’t change him. However, we all can’t be like Steve. So guess what! Beverly Hills Housewife, Dana Wilkey showed she is nothing like Steve, as she dropped $25,000 for a pair or at least that’s what she said on the Wendy Williams Show today and she better not be lying.
She said her $25,000 sunglasses has different types of diamonds and snakeskin on it. Wendy even modeled it on her show today. You go Dana! When I grow up, I want to be just like you. Then again, I could never do that. I’m no Steve Jobs, but $25,000 for eye wear? I'm still trying to wrap my head around that. Unless that eye wear instantly corrects all eye problems like an optician and an
optometrist can, I don't see why it should cost that much.
I'm not a player hater, so I won't hate. I guess to each his own. Dana said she thought to herself, "I have jewelry I don’t wear every day and I never lose my sunglasses, so why not buy a really nice pair of sunglasses that I can wear every day." On some level, Dana’s reasoning is very logical. She made her money and she deserves to spend it how she likes regardless of how ridiculous it may sound to others!
Such is life...
Blogalicious 2011 at The Gaylord, DC
As you know, Sociable Susan won't leave you out of the fun. Below are some pictures from Blogalicious 2011. Enjoy!
AttendeesMichelle Y. Talbert,
Author of Don't Do What We Did!
Martin Pratt
PineSol/ Que Rica Vida Party
PineSol/ Que Rica Vida Party
Aunt Jemima Late Night Breakfast & Celebrity Demo
Pajama Party!.
For more on Blogalicious or to attend next year's conference, visit
For more on Blogalicious or to attend next year's conference, visit
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