The Flyer
Moderator, Dr. Alduan Tart Speaking
Earlier today, from 11.30 - 12.30 pm I attended the Sprint 4 G Competitive Edge Filmmaker Challenge, What's Your Legacy event at Howard University's School of Social Work in DC. The event was designed to teach students how they can create competitive edges and begin their legacy. It was a great day of sharing by media stake holders namely: Star of BET’s “The Game,” actor Hosea Chanchez, producer and owner of Rain Forest Films, Will Packer and media personality Jawn Murray and two ladies. This team formed a panel comprising of filmmakers, actors and financiers discussing what it really takes (forget the hype) to be successful in the media and entertainment business which aren’t easy fields to venture into. We heard their stories, networked for success and learnt how we can create our competitive edges and begin our legacies.
Though they all shared their stories and said something different, they all had something in common which was that they invested in themselves and their reoccurring theme in all their speeches is that in the creative world, you must do for yourself. Producer Will Packer, shared that he became a producer because he was helping his filmmaker/director friend, Rob Hardy make his film. They went through challenges and finally made the film. They had a big premier to which they invited everybody they could think of in the entertainment business including moguls like Oprah Winfrey, Steadman Graham and Steven Spielburg, whom they had graciously reserved the front row for.
Unfortunately, none of these high level guests showed up, but it was a start. Then they went on to make other movies. He also shared how he found funding by requesting assistance from professionals like lawyers and doctors. He also stated that to be taken seriously, you have to make a movie, so that you have something to show people to let them know what you can do.
Hoseah talked about how he was diagnosed as having ADHD because as a child he couldn't sit still and was always making other people laugh. Now this is his job as an actor. So one must be care about the way diagnosis are thrown around to label children who are designed to be a certain way and the world is trying to make them into something else instead of letting them be who they are naturally desinged to be.
It was a very informative event where these very knowledgeable and media savvy people shared honestly about their experiences.
The event was moderated by eloquent and gifted positive psychologist, professional speaker, parenting, teen and relationship expert speaker, VH1's Fantasia For Real's Dr. Alduan Tart, whose motto is, “Bringing Positive Psychology to the People.” Amongst many other statements he made, he clearly stated, “Don’t wait for the media, be the media.” This is a piece of advice any smart thinking person would run with. The event was sponsored by Sprint, Wells Fargo, The Thurgood Marshall College Fund, and Howard University School of Communications headed by Dean Jannette Dates, Ph.D. Thank you!
I'd recommend this event to anyone thinking about going into the media and entertainment industries. I look forward to next year’s challenge. Below are more pictures. Enjoy!
The Panelists

At Howard University's Studio

Hosea Chanchez Speaking
Dean Dates of Howard University's School of Communications (Center)

The Guys

Hosea Chanchez of The Game and me, Sociable Susan
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