This is the cookbook to get. This sassy girl’s cookbook was written by Shakara Bridgers, Jenience Isley, and Joan A. Davis. The ladies say that, The Get 'Em Girls Guide to the Power of Cuisine is full of the Perfect Recipes for Spicing Up Your Love Life. I personally tasted their red velvet cup cakes and I must say they are to die for. I don't normally eat frosting but I ate this one. This is more than a cookbook, it's an empowerment tool and these ladies may be up to something. This is what the ladies had to say....
"You know a Get 'Em Girl When you see one...
She has it together: a great job, nice friends, and plenty of style. She juggles a million things at once and is always on the go. But when it comes to love, not all Get 'Em Girls have it figured out.
While some may think it’s a cliche, maybe the way to a lover's heart is still through his stomach. But who has the time to be chained to a stove? Just like having an extra job skill can help you get hired, someone willing to put a little time and energy into a relationship definitely stands out in a crowded dating crowd.
The Get "Em Girls to the Power of Cuisine features over 120 easy and delicious recipes that reflect the authors' southern-girl-in-the-big-city upbringing and will complement every stage of a growing love relationship."
To find out more about the Get 'Em Girls Guides and Girl's Bite Out tour, visit www.getemgirls.com
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