How did you know about Erin and The Fag Bug?
I’m an alumni and a former board member of Docs In Progress, which is where I met Dean and Joe, who are also part of the Docs In Progress family. They met Erin, gave her my contact information and she contacted me.
Why did you choose to distribute the film?
From a distributor’s point of view, you distribute a movie because of the story. Erin’s story caught my eye because there’s a real and intriguing story with a strong message in the documentary. Also the documentary is well put together, and the story line is a good fit for my company.
When did you sign on to be the distributor?
To Erin the documentary was already complete, and it had played in film festivals, but I helped with music clearances and some other things to make it fully ready and legally clear for distribution.
What other movies have you distributed?
I am the producer and distributor of Ballou, a movie about Ballou High School’s Marching Band, and I’m also the distributor of Out In The Silence, a story about bullying of gays in high schools.
What are you doing to promote, market and distribute the movie?
I am focused on finding audiences and making it available for viewing because it’s a good film that is changing the world.
What is your focus for the documentary’s distribution?
Monetary gain is not my primary goal. My goal is to help the film maker recoup monies spent and make profit. A good film with return socially what you put into it monetarily.
How have people reacted to the movie from your perspective?
There are mixed comments on websites where the film is available for viewing such as www.gardentheives.com, Hulu and YouTube.
What advice do you have for upcoming documentary film makers who are looking for distribution?
Your heart must be in the subject and you must have a purpose for the movie such as personal interest or social change, because film making is a difficult process and if your heart isn’t in it, you won’t complete it. Erin is passionate about her documentary, her heart is in it.

If you're a documentary film maker looking for a great environment to nurture your skills and hone your craft, Docs In Progress is the place for you. Their website is www.docsinprogress.org. If you're looking for a great distributor to distribute your film, visit www.gardenthieves.com

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