Sunday, February 26, 2012
14 Year Old In Jail For Killing Friend’s Step Father!
Three boys -- one of them 15, the other two 12 -- meet in a park in the neighborhood where they live in Cromwell, Ind., a small town halfway between South Bend and Fort Wayne. They play in the park for a while, then begin talking about a subject they've been discussing for a couple of weeks now -- running away, out west to California. or maybe to Arizona. The only problem, according to 15-year-old Colt Lundy, is that his stepfather will never allow it. He'll stop them from going. The answer to the problem, Colt says, is simple. They must kill Phil Danner and in the twinkle of an eye, an afternoon at the playground turned into conspiracy to commit murder.
After leaving the playground, the boys walk to Colt Lundy's house. Colt goes in alone and finds his step-father there already, in the family room. Colt goes into his bedroom and moves the blinds, signaling for the two 12-year-olds waiting across the street -- Paul and Chase Williams -- to come over. The plan is for either Paul or Chase to join Colt inside and help him carry out the deed. Paul and Chase talk as they cross the street about who should go in. At first, Chase says he will but thinks better of it. Paul goes.
Now Paul Henry Gingerich says, "I think I should have gone home," as the 14 year old is in jail for killing his friend’s step father who his friend perceived would not let the three of them run away from home to California. He arrived at Pendleton Juvenile Correctional Facility, the state's maximum security prison for children to serve his term two years ago. Each boy received 25 years, with the possibility of getting in out in about half the time for good behavior. They would still be young men, but jail raised men.
I feel sorry for both boys and their families. It reminds me of what I read a long time ago, that little boys have a very diminished sense of fear and danger causing them to do things girls won't do. This is exactly what made these young, immature boys with still growing brains do what they did and end up where they are.
They have found out the hard way as the Yoruba proverb states, "What comes after the number six, is more than the number seven." I guess in their little minds, they thought killing the step dad was the solution to their problem and not the beginning of a much much bigger self induced problem for them and their families.
However, as much as I feel for them about the situation, reading the story reminds me of the many children and men of color in different criminal “situations” including jails and juvenile facilities all over the US that need a bloggers, journalists and lawyers to take up their cases, but that probably won’t happen for most of them, because it’s just the way it is…
For the full story and assistance you can provide to case, please click here
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Lost Art of Seduction
You’re flirtatious, charming, and open. You’ve got your “fish” at least partially on the hook, but you suck at reeling him or her in.
Or you want to be seduced? What about the lost of art of seduction? Want to know how to find your seductive side? Want to know how do we rekindle your sexiness and seductive side? Most people will answer yes. However, there is no more animal magnetism around us because we want to solve all our problems so fast like on 30 minute TV crime dramas, which isn't realistic.
Today Dr. James Wadley who is a therapist joins us. He is the author of Would You Marry You? and The Lost and Found Box: A Provocative Exploration about Rediscovering Happiness and the REAL You! Being sensual and having magnetism is an inside job because there are lot of layers in personal sexuality. We have to know ourselves first.
Book Quote! "When you socialize, get in the mood, get out there and show them how adaptable and sexy you can be."
So many people are too fast to get into relationships. They meet online or in a club and the next thing, they hit the sack and it's downhill from there. Some people are sent wrong messages like masturbation is wrong from childhood. Some people don't like their bodies. So, how do we know our bodies to know what turns us on when sometimes how we relate with our bodies is associated with shame and secrecy? For example, most boys don't discuss their first wet dream (nocturnal emission) and girls don't discuss their first menstruation with their parents or care givers. We all get mixed messages from our parents and care givers, movies, TV, so many of what is around us is an incorrect or unattainable ideal, so people make it up as they go.
To know where you are on the sexual spectrum, ask yourself the following questions:
List a sex act you've never done, but might in the future.
List a sex act you fantasize about doing.
List a sex act you would never do. (This is to know your boundaries.)
List your favorite sensual act.
Real sexuality is all about knowing and articulating what you like and don't like to your partner. Some people fear expressing themselves because they fear how their partner will perceive them. However, 9 times out of 10, in my practice, when they say what they like, their partner responds by saying, "I'm into that too!" It can even be something non-sexual like you whispering in your partner's ear or feeding them fruit. Have a constructive dialog about it knowing you won't be minimized, judged or ridiculed. Healthy sexuality should be the first frank conversation. The second conversation should be about telling each other what turns you on. What we see on TV or film is so romanticized, but that's not reality. Seduction is knowing what pleases you and turns you on and teaching your partner what it is.
What's the difference between seduction and manipulation?
There are differences between seduction and manipulation, but some people blur the line. The question to ask is this a casual encounter or commitment based relationship and is there a space to discuss which it is?
Caller: I've been married for 26 years, how I get my sexy back?
Guest/Host: Getting your sexy back after 26 years of marriage depends on what you and your partner like. If he likes foreplay, do it. Take it slow. When you cut to the chase you miss out. What's your hurry? Your bodies are there and you want to get it over with, but spiritually, mentally, physically, sexually, intimately you are not all there. So, a good thing is to let everything else go and relax. Take a shower together and explore your bodies. Sexual intimacy shouldn't be so genitally focused. Explore your bodies before intercourse through foreplay. Take your time before you go down the intercourse path. Explore having sex in different places. Don't get into a rut. Remind yourselves of your past pleasurable sexual experiences to rekindle the fire.
Caller: I've been married for 10 years, but I believe women don't focus enough on their sexuality. Men are very visual and spend tons of money on watching women in porn or at strip clubs. I suggest pole and chair dancing classes, which are liberating, exciting, and good for women, because our men go out to get it, so women should buy poles and chairs for their own homes, and take classes to learn the art, so our partners aren't resentful, unsatisfied and unhappy.
Caller: We raise our daughters to be passive princesses, and our boys to be aggressive and take them away into the sunset how does one balance that.
Guest/Host: Women need to reclaim their sexuality, otherwise they will have unbalanced relationships.
Caller: How does one make time for celebrations with going to work and other life's commitments?
Guest/Host: You need to plan. You can celebrate valentines the following weekend because this year it was on a Tuesday, which would have been rushed with going to work that day and the next day. Make that celebration count and celebrate it, but it doesn't have to be on the exact anniversary day, birthday or Valentine's day. Schedule it to suite your own life.
Caller: We used to have sex a lot before marriage, now we don't. She has a 12 year old daughter ADHD who can come in and out of our room anytime she likes, which disturbs our ability to be intimate and she's also going through menopause. I was raised that your parents room is sacred and you knock before going in, but she wasn't and it was with her mother for so long before I came along. We love each other, but the intimacy part is out of whack. Even when I suggest a quickie when her daughter isn't there, she say's she's not in the mood. The daughter also wants to interfere with the affection I give her mother. She's not used to affection from a man because her father wasn't around.
Guest/Host: Women need more time to get into the mood and warm up. Also do non-sexual things to get together like massaging her scalp when you are all watching TV. Talk to your wife about the relationship and her daughter. Also talk to the daughter to ask if she likes her mother having a husband vs. not having a husband.
Caller: My partner likes oral sex. What is it about it oral sex for men?
Guest/Host: He probably cares that you are able to do it for him because for black women it is often a taboo. The message they are sent is that it's gross, it's nasty, and you shouldn't do it. Have a conversation to discuss your anxiety and concerns about it.
Challenge yourself to make changes within your self and in your relationships. Sex is good as long as it is consensual and safe, so relax and enjoy it.
Source: Audrey Chapman Show
Guest: Dr. James Wadley
Broadcast Date: 02/25/12
Friday, February 24, 2012

Butterfly, Beautiful insects with iridescent wings and has a Latin name of Lepidoptera. Butterfly are always beautiful and captivating, both look and movement. The butterfly is also used as a stunning symbol of metamorphosis. In a change of phase of life (egg-caterpillar-pupa-adult butterfly).Thus, the butterfly is often a source of inspiration and motivation for many people.

Beautiful Butterfly on the Flowers
P Square Ft Akon & May D - Chop My Money Video!
I just watched the video for P Square’s song featuring Akon& May D. The video is about a beautiful girl who they don’t mind spending all their money because of how good she looks. I believe they should have asked actor, Eddie Murphy to be in the video because I read that’s how he felt about his ex-wife/ex model Nichole when he first saw her. He said when he saw her, “I said she can have all my money.” I’m sure after many years and several children together, when he was paying out that divorce settlement, he surely felt differently.
The video also subtly speaks to the well-known scenario of dark skinned African brothers doing any and everything to get the attention and affection of a light skinned African American sister, who uses them for their money, but only has eyes for a light skinned African American brother. This happens sometimes because she doesn’t want to have what they believe are “ugly” dark skinned kids who are darker than a paper bag, have a child that will be called Kinta Kunte because of the African father, or she doesn’t want to be romantically involved with foreigners because some people including African Americans call African monkeys under their breath. This has happened to my cousin, where his girlfriend’s ex left her a voice mail message stating, I hear you are with an African monkey now.” When she played it for my cousin, he was really upset.
I also recall another cousin who is a good looking African man worked in DC with a lady who was married to a rich African man she said didn’t find attractive, but lavished so much money and attention on her. She asked my cousin, why other African men aren’t as good looking as he is. He said he tried to explain to her that like all nationalities, you have both good looking and not so good looking ones. She then told him that it doesn’t matter anyway, since she was going to get pregnant by one of her boyfriends, because she could never have an ugly baby for her ugly looking African husband who was spending all his money taking care of her. My cousin came home disturbed by her statement and said he knows DC girls are not to be messed with, but what this woman was doing with no qualms was terrible. Her husband must have been singing the song, Chop My Money for real…
Going back to the video, I really appreciate P Square, Akon and May D for not having some half naked woman AKA a video vixen in the video as the lead, which is so common in music videos these days...What do you think of the video?
The video also subtly speaks to the well-known scenario of dark skinned African brothers doing any and everything to get the attention and affection of a light skinned African American sister, who uses them for their money, but only has eyes for a light skinned African American brother. This happens sometimes because she doesn’t want to have what they believe are “ugly” dark skinned kids who are darker than a paper bag, have a child that will be called Kinta Kunte because of the African father, or she doesn’t want to be romantically involved with foreigners because some people including African Americans call African monkeys under their breath. This has happened to my cousin, where his girlfriend’s ex left her a voice mail message stating, I hear you are with an African monkey now.” When she played it for my cousin, he was really upset.
I also recall another cousin who is a good looking African man worked in DC with a lady who was married to a rich African man she said didn’t find attractive, but lavished so much money and attention on her. She asked my cousin, why other African men aren’t as good looking as he is. He said he tried to explain to her that like all nationalities, you have both good looking and not so good looking ones. She then told him that it doesn’t matter anyway, since she was going to get pregnant by one of her boyfriends, because she could never have an ugly baby for her ugly looking African husband who was spending all his money taking care of her. My cousin came home disturbed by her statement and said he knows DC girls are not to be messed with, but what this woman was doing with no qualms was terrible. Her husband must have been singing the song, Chop My Money for real…
Going back to the video, I really appreciate P Square, Akon and May D for not having some half naked woman AKA a video vixen in the video as the lead, which is so common in music videos these days...What do you think of the video?
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Robert Pattinson | Edward Cullen | Twilight Wallpapers
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Prayer Request For Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani
Please forward this email to your family and friends so they can join us in praying for Pastor Yousef.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Death For North Korean Refugees If Deported From China!
She and two dozen North Korean refugees in China are in a terrifying limbo -- the Chinese government wants to deport them back to North Korea, where the new "Supreme Leader" Kim Jong-Un is cracking down by shooting defectors on sight and vowing to kill "three generations" of their families.
Moses escaped the nightmare of surveillance, intimidation, human rights abuses and famine in North Korea -- he's a refugee now living in Seoul, South Korea. But a young woman he’s known since they were kids in North Korea is in the group currently being detained in China.
"We have cried our eyes out," Moses and his friends say, certain the young woman will be executed if she's returned to North Korea. Moses's only hope is that international pressure can save her -- he started a petition on calling on world leaders including U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the EU's Catherine Ashton to do everything they can to stop China from deporting his friend and others back to North Korea.
Click here to sign Moses's petition telling world leaders to stop China from sending two dozen refugees back to North Korea, where they face imprisonment and execution.
North Korea's young leader, Kim Jong-Un, is ruthlessly cracking down to assert his new authority since his father, Kim Jong-Il, died. In December, Kim Jong-Un told border guards to shoot defectors on sight rather than sending them to reeducation camps and decreed defectors' families would also be killed.
But one deadline for the deportation of these refugees has already passed, signaling that China knows it will have blood on its hands if it follows through. China may be bending to international pressure, but needs to hear more from other global leaders to release the refugees to South Korea.
Already, more than 30,000 people have signed Moses's petition. In November, 35,000 people signed a petition on asking Secretary Clinton to call for the release of political prisoners in Burma -- and she did. She also spoke out for women’s right to drive in Saudi Arabia after receiving a petition. If every person who cares about human rights signs Moses's petition, world leaders like Secretary Clinton will listen again.
Click here to sign North Korean refugee Moses Bak's petition calling on Secretary Clinton and other world leaders to stop China from sending two dozen defectors back to North Korea, where they will face imprisonment and execution.
Thanks for being an awesome change-maker!
You Are Not Alone!
Do you want love, a relationship, a career, a family, health, money?
Are you feeling, lost, confused, & frustrated?
Don’t know where to turn?
Who to trust?
Do you need answers, direction or guidance?
Looking for peace of mind?
Stop feeling as though you are standing still in life.
Stop running around.
Be still.
Know you are not alone.
Return to your creator & gain back control,
So you can break through barriers.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
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Enterprise Rent-a-Car Lobbies Against Fixing Recalled Cars
Cally Houck's two daughters, Raechel and Jacquie, rented a PT Cruiser from Enterprise Rent-a-Car in 2004. What they didn't know about their car was it had been recalled for serious safety problems a month earlier, and that Enterprise didn't fix the car.
Raechel and Jacquie's rental car caught on fire because of the very issue that prompted the recall. The young women crashed their fiery car into a tractor-trailer, killing them both.
In just a matter of days, Congress is set to consider a new law that would force rental car companies to fix recalled cars, but Enterprise Rent-a-Car is lobbying against it -- and hard. Enterprise's opposition could block the bill, allowing Enterprise to continue to ignore car recalls like the one that killed Cally Houck's daughters.
Cally Houck has dedicated herself to making sure that rental car companies fix recalled vehicles so no other parent loses her daughters to rental cars that are known to be unsafe. She says it's critical to stop Enterprise's opposition now, before they kill the law. Cally started a petition on asking Enterprise Rent-a-Car CEO Andrew Taylor to stop opposing the law to force rental car companies to repair recalled vehicles. Click here to add your name to Cally's petition.
These two young women weren't the first to die from rental cars under recall, and they weren't the last, according to a USA Today report this weekend. Despite knowing the risks, companies like Enterprise choose to keep unsafe cars on the road.
When a vehicle is recalled because of safety or performance issues, the government says all vehicles should be fixed immediately. That why car dealerships aren't allowed to sell new or used cars under recall that haven't yet been fixed.
For Cally, it's hard to imagine why rental car companies would be okay with renting cars that they knew to be unsafe. Before her daughters rented the car that killed them, three other customers had rented it from Enterprise after the safety recall.
There is hope -- Hertz, a major rental car company, bucked its competitors and is actually supporting this new law. Cally hopes that by calling attention to Hertz's willingness to protect its customers -- and by showing that Enterprise is willing to let customers drive what she calls "ticking time bombs" like the one that killed her daughters -- Enterprise will stop opposing this law.Click here to add your name to Cally Houck's petition on asking Enterprise Rent-a-Car to stop opposing a law to protect drivers from renting recalled cars.
Thanks for being an awesome change-maker!
City Hunter Artist Wallpaper
David Alan Grier on The Wendy Williams Show
The very funny and now clean shaven David Alan Grier who made his on screen debut like so many others in Keenen Ivory Wayans ‘ In Living Color was on the Wendy Williams Show today.
He came to the show sporting Burberry pants, and a vintage sweater in a look Wendy termed “brave.” However, his shoe cam worthy Prada shoes more than made up for it. The comedian who made the term “breastesses,” his plural for breasts a word, talked about still visiting his SNL buddies and the legendary SNL after parties. He said the most recent one he attended; he left early at 2.45AM, while his friends left at 6AM and said, “It can take you down if you’re not strong.”
He said it is humbling and great to be remembered from In Living Color. He said he will be back in some capacity in the new In Living Color, which is currently in the works. Wendy asked, “Would you do Men on Film?” Referring to his role as the flaming gay looking like Antoine Meriwether in Men on Film in In Living Color, which he said had “nothing to do with gay culture,” but took straight films and put their spin on it; he said, “If you do two snaps up these days, you may have to do two weeks of apology.” He also shared that Keenan and Damon were initially going to do it, but he ended up getting the part.
He is currently playing Sportin Life in Porgy and Bess at the Richard Rogers Theatre on Broadway, for which he is getting great reviews and his performance has been called impactful. This is his fifth time on Broadway and he shared his thoughts on reviews, saying “I tend to believe the good reviews.” He said he initially shied away from reviews, but now he can’t help it because he is called to see if he has read them about his performance. He shared in his first Broadway musical, which was called The First based on the story of Jackie Robinson and was written and directed by Joel Siegel, a critic named Edith Oliver said he was perfect, while another said he was terrible, so he framed both critiques right next to each other, I guess to remind him of the conflicting reviews critics can give. He should know that as the old adage states, “One man’s meat is another man’s poison.”
He has a 4 year old daughter he co-parents named Lulu, who he said came to see the show in Cambridge, screaming saying daddy, daddy, but now is a pro who can sit through the two and half hours of the show. As for his love life, he said, “We have eight shows, so I don’t have a lot of time.”
He and Wendy did a terrible Hair Piece Theatre reenactment Shaft, throwing phrases like, “Shut your mouth and coolest cat on the block” around. They were missing lines, and it was very messy, but they were obviously unprepared but looked great in the costumes. Here’s wishing the ever working actor, good luck in his future endeavors.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
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Monday, February 20, 2012
Jasmine Flower Wallpaper

Jasmine, white flowers that are sacred. fragrant and beautiful flowers is very charming with its perfect white. Fragrant with the scent of jasmine flowers and a symbol of purity comes from South Asia and spread all over the world. In Indonesia, jasmine used as a symbol "puspa nation"
Taye Diggs On The Wendy Williams Show
Handsome hunk, Scott "Taye" Leo Diggs who has starred in notable films such as How Stella Got Her Groove Back, The Wood & The Best Man was on the Wendy Show today. The chocolate hunk who it appears has always had issues with his beautiful chocolate skin color shared about how he was told he was different when growing up as the only black kid, in the all Caucasian neighborhood he lived and schooled in.
The good looking 41 year old who obviously moisturizes and has the good “black don’t crack” genes grew up in Rochester NY as the only chocolate skinned and wider nosed boy in the neighborhood. At five years old he came home from the Allendale Columbia School asking his mother, Marcia about his looks that he was teased about in school and his African American very light skinned mother gave him first lesson in self esteem and self love. Looking at him and his sister who are both dark skinned, it’s obvious that his father, Jeffries, must have some dominant genes, which dominated his kids’ skin coloring. He said the same things would be repeated over the years including at the School of the Arts, so he recently wrote a book titled Chocolate Me, because he felt people would benefit from his story, which really isn’t unique in the USA.
However, as is common with so many dark skinned African American men , to compensate for and distance themselves from the psychological trauma they suffered for being “black” as a child, he is married to the Caucasian beauty, Indina Menzel who he said he didn’t have love at first sight for when they met on the set of the play, Rent. She is definitely no gold digger or fair weather wife as she has done her time with him since they‘ve been together fifteen years, married for eight and they have a cute two and half year old son to show for the union. He said they initially didn’t like each other, and then they became friends and then lovers. He said so many black women have a problem with him being married to a Caucasian woman.
He said his mother said, “I knew you’d marry a white girl.” I personally don’t think black women should crucify Taye for his choice. That’s focusing on the symptoms not the cause. At least his wife loves him for him because they met when he wasn’t a star. Black women who are mad at him for his marital choice should focus their energies on building up positive black images in their sphere of influence and slowly but surely the obvious and subconscious anti-black sentiment many black people have that makes them hate themselves and their features deep down will dissipate.
Wendy also shared that she grew up as one of four African American children in her mostly Caucasian neighborhood, but she married an African American man. However, it is very different for women, since Caucasian men are not as attracted to and don’t marry black woman in the same numbers. There’s a real reason for this. The first thing is that human beings usually desire what they believe is unattainable or harder to access, which just makes them covet it more. Going back to the days of slavery, African American men, desiring talk less of marrying a Caucasian woman is the once for forbidden, would have been lynched for, but now available and very coveted forbidden fruit they now have access to, so why not especially since it is a status symbol to have a Caucasian wife and biracial kids? While black women were more than abundantly available to their Caucasian male masters because they were their property, so I guess they had their fill of African American women.
Going back to the men marrying Caucasian women issue, I have watched the life arch of so many dark skinned African American men and I see some reoccurring themes. When they are young, they are traumatized by being teased for their black features, which throws them off balance psychologically. As they get older they try to be white by marrying white or like white as in Latina, biracial or light skinned. Then over time they get older, more mature and see that they are the black people they are and always will be, so they then embrace themselves and do things to share their newly found self acceptance with others like writing books and becoming staunch NAACP members. Mmhmmm. Ha ha ha It’s amazing that there are many mechanisms in the good old USA that really does a number on the black mind and image. It’s getting better in some spheres, but as some things change, some things stay the same…
Moving on, I say everything happens for a reason and life is short, so make it sweet. Live it up and enjoy it and you know I must support my black bro by plugging his book, so please purchase a copy of Chocolate Me, Taye Diggs’ new book, which he may also have written because he wants his young son and others like him to read it and accept themselves the way he didn’t when he was a child…
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