I must be honest, when Justice John Paul Stevens announced he was retiring, I felt bad for Obama because he had just recently selected Sonia Sotomayor for the Supreme Court. He caught some flack for that and had to go through all the hoopla that went with it. So when Justice John Paul Stevens announced his retirement, I was like, oh no, not again and not so soon for that matter, because I knew that would add to Obama’s plate, which is an already overflowing plate.
I didn’t know divine forces were in action. I don’t know what went on behind the scenes but when Obama nominated Ellana Kagan, another woman, I was impressed at his selection, a woman who didn’t have the normal resume for the position and also his ability to make his decision without caring about what people would say such as, “Is he trying to fill up the Supreme Court with women?” Well, even if that's his plan, it's about time. Let’s take a look at the women in the Supreme Court.
The first, Sandra Day O'Connor appointed by Ronald Reagan.

The second, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, the first Jewish woman appointed by President Bill Clinton.

The third, Sonia Sotomayor, the first Latina woman appointed by President Barak Obama.

The fourth, Elena Kagan appointed by President Barak Obama.

I really commend Obama’s mother because time and time again he has shown that he loves, is comfortable with and is not threatened by strong powerful women, and I believe his mother is responsible for that, because she raised him and she was a strong and powerful woman in her own right. Also, as the father of two daughters, he is promoting women now so that the US will be a more "powerful women friendly" environment by the time his daughters are of age to be in powerful positions.
With Kagan’s nomination and confirmation, the Supreme Court will now have three women since Justice O’Connor has retired. With Obama selecting two women to sit on the Supreme Court, one being the third Caucasian woman and the other the first Latina woman, Obama is definitely a transformational president already even if he does nothing else. To Obama, I have this to say, may you continue to be divinely led regardless of what your decisions look like to onlookers and critics. To the ladies, I have this to say, you’ve come a long way, keep up the good work that got you where you are and don’t let Obama and women like me who are rooting for you down.
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