For most people of any race or ethnicity including Chelsea Clinton & Marc Mezvinsky, having a good marriage is a common desire, however, few want to, are prepared or are equipped to put in the hard work it takes to achieve a good marriage, hence the many divorces we hear of daily. But the million dollar question is, what keeps people together as a couple? The honest answer to that is that it’s different for each couple.
There’s his "perfect marriage", her "perfect marriage", and the real "perfect marriage", which is a combination of both their dreams of the perfect marriage with a wholesome dose of reality. As you view the Clinton/Mezvinsky wedding pictures below, if you are married take the time to reflect on your marriage and what you’ve done to make your perfect marriage dream a reality. If you are single, also take the time to reflect on what you would like in a marriage, armed with this information; continue on your search for your perfect mate. Below are some tips for a great marriage.
1. Similarities and differences of cultures, temperaments, likes and dislikes should be allowed to thrive. This is what lets people be their true self, which is the only way a person can stay in a marriage long term.
2. Expect less so you can get more. People are frustrated when their reality doesn’t match their fantasy and since no one is perfect including your prince charming or your beautiful princess, problems arise. However, you can both write down your dreams for your marriage and discuss and implement what will work for you as a couple.
3. Give incentives and rewards for good behavior. When possible overlook bad behavior, but if it is repeated, discuss it preferably when you are not upset about the situation, but be brief and firm. Make your spouse feel special and cared for by being polite, kind, nurturing and sensitive to their feelings.
4. Have daily briefings with each other for at least 10 minutes discussing non-work, non-family, non-relationship and non-chore topics. Discuss things that you both enjoy discussing such as how to relieve stress, be healthier, politics, the environment, the current news and life’s regrets and dreams.
5. Keep costs low and benefits high. Emotional and financial tolls drain marriages. Finances are the number one cause of divorce, so spend less and share more time together doing nothing or on cheap activities you both enjoy that will keep you bonded as a couple.
6. Strengthen and celebrate what is going well with your marriage and work hard on the things that are not to make them better.
7. Mind your marriage and business and don’t envy other couples because you don’t know their situation behind closed doors.
Enjoy the beautiful pictures below and remember a word is enough for the wise………

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