Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Speak Kindly To People!

I have encountered so many people whose words were like venom. They didn’t care who they cut down while speaking. They say they are expressing their opinions, but there are many ways to express an opinion without offending others.

Some say everyone should develop thick skin to handle what people say to them, and they may have a point, but the other side of that is some people who you are mean to may appear to be taking it in without responding. You may call them whimps because they don't have immediate responses, but they bottle up their anger, till one day, they explode in a Columbine style shoot out, then you ask if people are crazy. Yes, they are the crazy product of an unkind world. If they would only lash out against the people that were mean to them, I would say well it's none of my business, unfortunately, they lash out against everyone in sight at that point in time which may or may not include the person(s) who got them upset in the first place.

Another thing is so many dreams have died and die inside of people daily because someone or many people uttered negative words to them that discouraged them. The difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is that little extra effort. A word of encouragement can make the difference between giving up and going on for many people. So remember to always speak kindly to people!

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