Q&A with Yolanda Makle, Ms. Galaxy International 2011
By Susan E. Majek, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
She’s beautiful, she’s lovely; she takes men’s breaths away. Are you asking the question, who is she? Well, she’s none other than the new Ms. Galaxy International 2011, Ms. Yolanda Makle.
As beautiful as she is, a beauty queen is not all she is. She’s also a mother, a former in-game co-host for Major League Baseball’s (MLB) Washington Nationals, Ms. Belleza Latina International 2009; the recipient of the 2006 & 2007 Presidents Award for Volunteer Service, Mrs. Puerto Rico United States 2006, Ms. Latina Universal 2005, mentor, community activist, model, and last but not least, she’s also an actress.
In this up-close and personal interview with Yolanda Makle A.K.A Ms. Galaxy International 2011, this hard working beauty queen shares with Sociable Susan about her life and times as she tries to do it all…
How does winning the coveted Ms. Galaxy International crown feel?
It’s fantastic! It’s always a blessing to finally achieve a goal that you worked so hard to achieve.
What were your thoughts during the competition?
My main focus was “keeping my eyes on the prize.” I was determined that I wasn’t going home without the crown.
What motivated you to enter the competition?
I have been interested in the Galaxy International Competition since it was created 9 years ago. It’s sheer glamour and gave me the opportunity to challenge myself since I’m not very glamorous in my everyday life.
What was your journey to winning the Ms. Galaxy International title?
It was a long process for me. In 2008, I competed in the Ms. Belleza Latina International pageant and won the International title. One of my prizes from that competition was free entry into the Galaxy International Pageant. After my reign ended, I gave up my Belleza Latina title in the summer of 2009. I prepared for the Galaxy competition, which was in the summer of 2010. This past July I competed in the Ms. Galaxy pageant and won the International title. It’s a real honor since I’m the 2nd woman to win both the Belleza Latina & Galaxy International titles.
Winning pageants, working hard and being a mother requires excellent multitasking skills. How do balance everything you do?
I don’t go anywhere without my Blackberry and Iphone. They keep me organized and sane. There’s no way I’d be able to keep track of my schedule, the kids’ and family schedules, without the help of my smart-phones. I don’t know what I’d do without the help of technology.
Some people looking at your full plate may say you are trying to be Superwoman, is this the case?
No. I wouldn’t consider it trying to be Superwoman, but in the words of the Army, I’m simply trying to, “Be all I can be.” Everyone has different limitations. I just happen to be one of those people with a high energy level that thrives when my plate is full.
Whose support was the most invaluable to your winning the Ms. Galaxy International title?
The support of my pageant “sisters” from the Belleza Latina pageant system and some of the former Galaxy International titleholders really helped me to achieve this goal. We’ve all been very supportive of each other through the years, and they knew how important winning this title was to me. They were always on-hand to make sure that I stayed focused on my overall goal, which was to win.
Whose support is the most invaluable to your success in your daily personal life?
The support of my nucleus which consists of my children, my partner and other family members are invaluable to me. They are the most important people in my life. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to do half of the things that I do. They have always been and always will be my #1 cheerleaders.
What are your thoughts about child pageant competitions?
I’m not particularly fond of them especially the “glitz” competitions that most people associate with the late Jon Benet Ramsey. There's something about make-up on little girls that creeps me out.
What do you think about beauty pageant contestants who don't answer questions intelligently thereby calling to question the intelligence of other contestants?
Well, it’s certainly not just beauty pageant contestants that don’t answer questions intelligently. I’m sure we’ve all run into people that respond with uninspiring answers to questions asked of them. Having said that, I believe we all make mistakes, but it’s how we recover that’s important.
What do you say to women who say beauty competitions are demeaning to women?
Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but I’ve competed for almost 20 years and have never once felt as if it was “demeaning.” I like it. If anything, competing has given me strength and confidence.
What advice do you have for young girls who are interested in entering beauty pageant competitions?
I would say they should grow thick skins because the world of beauty pageant competitions can be a very cutthroat business. I’d also say they should do their research and learn their craft. They shouldn’t step on-stage without being fully prepared or they’ll just be wasting their time and money.
Looking beautiful takes work, what is your beauty regimen?
I don’t really have a beauty regimen. Thankfully, the Lord has blessed me with great genes because I’ve certainly been unkind to my body over the years. I have terrible eating habits and I loathe the thought of exercise. I suppose the only beauty rule I have is to only wear make-up for special occasions and never go to sleep with it on.
Do you find that you often have to prove that you’re more than just a pretty face?
I find that I usually only have to “prove” myself to other women. All too often, we as women tend to judge another woman’s character based upon her exterior. I absolutely hate it when I hear women say, “She shouldn’t be dressed like that for a married woman” or “She’s too old/young to do xyz.”
Who are your role models in the entertainment business?
I really admire, Shawn Carter A.K.A Jay-Z. He’s the perfect example of the old saying, “When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.” I admire him because he didn't make excuses for himself for coming from a bad environment. Instead he did what he had to do to put himself in a position to be able to explore his creative talents. He never made excuses for why he couldn't do something...he just did it!
As a beautiful woman and beauty queen, do you find that you are often hounded by men and sometimes have to get your “get back stick”?
Honestly, no! On a daily basis, I am not all glam’d up, and I usually try to keep a low profile. I love my jeans, sweats and a ponytail, and I really don’t like wearing any make-up. The very few times I’ll have someone approach me, it’s because they’re attracted to my natural beauty. Besides, I’m usually with my partner or the kids, so there are not much opportunities for me to use my “get back stick.”
Do you wonder if the men interested in you are interested in the “beauty queen” and the trophy tag attached to it and not necessarily you as a person?
I’ve never experienced that. I usually never tell anyone about my pageant life, so I’ve honestly never experienced that type of situation. Pageantry is my hobby, not my lifestyle. I’m more prone to discussing my children, sports or my career. I’m also a pretty private person, so unless you really know me or for some reason google my name, you’d never know about my pageant persona.
At home, I simply like to be known as “Yolanda.” I’d bet a good chunk of change that my partner wouldn’t be able to tell someone about my pageant accolades. It’s not a topic I choose to discuss. It’s personal and I’m cool with that.
Do you have a man in your life?
I absolutely do. I call him J. He’s the love of my life! We’ve been together for a few years now and like any other couple we’ve had our ups and downs, but the overall big picture has been like the movie, Love in the Afternoon. We’re total opposites, but that’s what makes us perfect for each other.
How did the relationship begin and blossom?
J and I met at work. We were both working part-time for the Washington Nationals (MLB). He is one of the team’s mascots, and I was on the Nat Pack AKA the pep squad. Shortly after we were both hired, we went out on a double date with some co-workers. We really hit it off and we’ve been together ever since. That was three years ago. Now we’re busy raising our kids, redecorating our home and planning for the future.
What’s the next chapter in your life?
I don’t know. I am enjoying “living in the moment” with the kids and J. My son is a sophomore in high school, so I’m really excited about strengthening our bond before he goes off to college. My daughter just entered junior high, and I’m looking forward to mentoring her through puberty. Who knows what the world has in store for me? But whatever it is, I’ll embrace it and make the best of it.
What are three wishes you’d like to put out into the universe for the divine to grant you?
1. That my children grow up and are able to achieve all the goals they set for themselves.
2. That my parents are able to live out the rest of their lives peacefully and comfortably.
3. That I live out the rest of my life healthily and happily.
Do you have any parting words?
I'd like to thank my family, friends and supporters who have supported me throughout the years. There have certainly been challenges over the years and without your support, I can't imagine how difficult it would have been for me to achieve my goals.
There you have it. You have heard it all from a bona fide beauty queen, Yolanda Makle, Ms. Galaxy International 2011. She has shared that contrary to popular belief, the life of a beauty queen can be a relatively normal life. However, she's busy juggling many tasks, which is only possible thanks to her high energy level and smart phones.
She shed light on pageant competitions, which contrary to popular belief, are not as easy as one would think, even if you are pretty. She also opened herself up to us, revealing that under all the glitz and glamour, and make-up and stilettos, there is a real, humble, hardworking and multifaceted human being.
I hope this insightful no holds barred interview encourages and educates someone out there.
This is my shameless plug for Yolanda. To all the producers and casting directors out there looking for talent, Yolanda is a beautiful, easy going, good "non-diva" natured beauty queen and actress that's available to add star power to your next project.
For more information on Yolanda Makle A.K.A Ms. Galaxy International, visit her blog at http://yolandamakle.blogspot.com
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