Saturday, December 31, 2011

Living A Life of No Regrets II

Where we are now? We are heading into 2012 and many people are anxious. It’s been a rough period. People have lost homes, jobs, have downsized, and are working in fields they wouldn’t have even considered. What’s the significance of 2012? The Mayan calendar has a part in this phenomenon. Every 26,000 years, there’s a wobble in time. The end of this period will be December 21st 2012. It’s being predicted that seas will rise, earthquakes will occur and we’ll have some type of Armageddon will happen. However, in my experience, I say no, that’s not what will happen. A shift will happen. We will become aware of being part of life, the world and humanity and be more ecologically cooperative instead of being competitive. That’s the shift that’s occurring.

We will live as one with the world. There’s a shift occurring that we should participate in instead of being traumatized by trying to fight it. I lived with indigenous people recently in the rain forests. The eagle is strong symbol represents and represents America. The condor is the highest flying bird and represents South America. The people have a saying that it’s when both birds fly together that there will be a positive change. 2000 years they predicted that man will create a machine that will think for him. This, of course is the computer.

However, it’s when we can tune back in to our divine intuition, go back to the thinking of the earth’s natural movements, and trying to get in touch with our higher levels of consciousness through meditating can we become our best selves and do good. For example Zappos is doing good for humanity, because for every one shoe they sell, they donate one. There’s a breakdown of the institutional powers such as government and big banks that used to run the country.

The Transformation Leadership Council came about because I was seeing lonely transformation changes all over the world, and I felt it best to effectively harness this together, to manifest their impact in the world. I invited 30 people to be part of it. Now we have 120 members from 8 countries, we meet twice a year. It’s similar to, Evolutionary Leaders started by Deepak Chopra. However, regardless of how bad it is, we will get through this tough period.

To discouraged people out there, who even before this particular period didn’t have a positive sense of purpose, how can we help these people to believe in themselves again? What we are saying is understandable to them, but not easy. If someone believes their situation is hopeless, doomed and they say to themselves, “I’ve tried and failed.” What would you say to them? The first thing is I let people talk. I listen to their pain and hear their experiences. So hear their story and then ask them, “What do you want to do moving forward? The I say, let me teach you and give you tools to use such as goal setting, reaching out, visualization, and getting over anger. There’s a lot to learn. I do this same thing for pre-release inmates and for every person we work with, we see change.

What helps people get it? We teach them that they may have been victimized but now they have to make concerted effort to live the life they want. Event +Response = Outcome.

Life is always about choices especially at pivotal points in one’s life.. It’s about the choices we make and the actions we take. It takes time, support, and work to get things done. Join with others on the path you are on to teach and learn some new tools, but now with the internet, so much more is available to many people even if you have to go to the library to use a computer. Also, you can reach out to the groups like The Salvation Army and you can attend seminars. I just did a seminar with about 200 unemployed people in Silicon Valley.

The library is a good resource. For example, a pregnant homeless woman in Columbus Ohio would go into the Library to get warm. In order to not be chased out by the staff, she had to read a book. So she grabbed the first book on her way which was Chicken Soup for the Soul. That’s how she read a book about a little boy who was taken to get a dog. When the boy got there, he saw a puppy who had leg problems and was limping. When the boy inquired about the dog, the person selling it said, oh you don’t want that one. The boy asked, “Why? What’s wrong with it.” The seller said, “It’s damaged. Look at all these other puppies you can have.” The boy then said, that’s the dog I want.

He then rolled up his pants and showed his twisted leg with a metal brace on it and he said, “He’s going to need someone who understands him.” The woman who was reading the story had planned to commit suicide by lying down on the train tacks to be run over by a train after having her baby. Now she runs Soup Kitchens for the Soul. You can always get to resources through Youtube, and there are tons of stuff on the internet.

William Clement Stone's father died when he was 3, leaving the family impoverished because of his gambling losses. At the age of 6, Stone began hawking newspapers on Chicago's South Side, while his mother worked as a dressmaker. At 13, he owned his own newsstand. At the age of 16, he went to Detroit to help his mother in the insurance agency she had opened and later became a multi-millionaire. He said he’d rather make $1 from 1 million people than 10,000 from 100 people. Stone ran $100 into millions with a strong desire to succeed and by putting into practice the principles in the book Think and Grow Rich . He was the living example of the proverbial rags-to-riches

What do you believe in that you are you willing to take a stand for and invite others to come and join you? That’s a way to live without regret.

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